Chapter 34

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Hayley's championship match was tomorrow. She was doing her best to concentrate on her training but still had nagging thoughts of Sam cheating on her. Sam did his best to avoid Priscilla whenever he could. If he knew she would be on the AEW tour bus, he'd take a car. He also avoided her at the arenas as much as he could. Even though Hayley hadn't told him, he knew the thought of him being alone with Priscilla bothered her. After a training session Hayley went back to her hotel room and showered. As she was in her towel picking out her clothes, her cell phone started to ring. She sat down on the bed and answered it.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey baby." Sam said.


"What are you doing?"

"I just got out of the shower." "What are you doing?"

"Sitting at home, missing the hell out of you."

"I miss you to."

"I don't know if if I can make it another two months Hayley." "I'm going crazy baby."

"I know what you mean."

"Are you nervous for your match tomorrow?"


"You're gonna do so great."

"I wish you could be there."

"Me to."

"I have to get dressed."

"You're naked?"

"I'm in a towel."

"Ooh." He said intrigued.

"You're bad." She said smiling.

"We need at least one night together."

"I know honey but with the way our schedules are, I don't see that happening until I come back."

"I know." "I'll let you get dressed." "I love you."

"I love you too." "Bye."


The next night Hayley was backstage at the arena. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder and turned around. Her jaw dropped when she saw Sam.

"Surprise." He said smiling.

"Sam." She said happily. They hugged and kissed. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you really think I would miss this?" "I have to catch a flight first thing in the morning but I'm all yours right now."

She kissed him. "I love you."

Hayley was getting ready to go out for her match.

"Don't be nervous." Sam said. He kissed her. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Hayley and Kailey had been wrestling for twenty minutes, throwing everything they had at each other. They were both on the ground. Hayley locked in a Reverse Dragon Sleeper. Kailey held on for two minutes before tapping out. Hayley celebrated in the ring for a few minutes before going backstage.

Hayley hugged Sam once she got backstage.

"I knew you could do it." Sam said proudly. "Congratulations."

"It's like a dream." She said happily. "With as late as I started in the business, I never thought I'd make it to this point."

"You deserve it."

Hayley and Sam had just gotten back to the hotel.

"So, when I was talking to you yesterday, you already had this planned?" She asked.

"Yeah." "I was packing while we were talking."

"Well let's go do the other thing we were talking about." They went into the bedroom.

All Hayley could see was Priscilla.

"You know Sam was thinking about me the whole time he was having sex with you, right?" Priscilla said. "We've already had sex multiple times since you've been gone." I'm who Sam loves and you know it."

Hayley opened her eyes, sat up in bed and put her hands to her face.

"Hey, what's a matter?" Sam asked sitting up next to her.

She took her hands away from her face and looked at him. "It was just a bad dream."

"About what?"


"Hayley, talk to me."

"I don't want you to get mad."

"I won't, I promise."

"I'm worried about you being alone with Priscilla."

"You think that I would cheat on you?"

"Not without her in your ear." "I know how much you loved her Sam." "I remember how depressed you were before you started dating again." "Please don't think that I don't trust you, I do." "I don't trust her." "I've been having these thoughts and nightmares." "Nightmares where you leave me and go back to her." "They make me think things I don't want to." "Like if you still want someday with me."

"Yes I did love her, I don't anymore." "I love you Hayley." "Even if she wants it to, nothing would ever happened between us again." "Of course I still want someday with you." "You don't have to worry, I promise." "I love you with everything in me and no one will ever change that." "Lay down." She did. He got on top of her. They kissed.

"I'm sorry." "I just love you so much and I don't want to lose you."

"You won't." They kissed.

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