Chapter 36

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Hayley and Sam hadn't spoken in two weeks. She'd blocked his number. Meaning she'd no longer get his calls, voicemails or texts. She was absolutely devastated. She felt so betrayed and used. The worst part was even though she had people to talk to, she felt like she had no one. Normally her to go in this type of situation would be Sam but in this case that was impossible. Unless she was working she wouldn't leave her hotel room. Most of the time she just stayed in bed and cried. That's what she was doing right now. There was a knock on her hotel room door. She wiped her eyes and got up to answer it. When she opened the door Allysin was standing there.

"Hi." Hayley said.

"Hi." She said noticing Hayley's eyes were all puffy from crying.

"Wanna come in?"

"Yeah." She went inside. They sat on the couch.

"I know why you're here." "It's alright, I'm ok."

"No you're not."

"You're right, I'm not." "I don't think I ever will be again."

"Are you still planning on moving out?"

"Yeah." "I'm gonna go home tomorrow, pack up the rest of my stuff and check into a hotel for now."

"Will he be there?"

"No." "He won't be home until the day after me." "He'll probably have Priscilla with him." "You know what the most pathetic thing is?" "I still love him." "Why did he do this to me?" She started to cry. Allysin hugged her.

"Ssh." "It's ok."

The next day Hayley went home and began packing the rest of her things. When she went into the kitchen after packing everything, she saw an envelope with her name of it on the kitchen island. She figured Sam must've written it last time he was home. She picked it up and put it in the trash compactor. After that she found a pen and paper and started writing.

Meanwhile Sam was on the AEW tour bus. He was just as devastated as Hayley was. He wished she would talk to him so he could explain. It was in the letter he wrote her but he wanted to tell her himself. He was sitting by himself. Austin sat down next to him.

"Hey man." He said.

"Hey." Sam said depressed.

"She still won't talk to you?"

"I think she blocked me." "I didn't do anything." "Priscilla was already there when I got there." "I don't blame her for thinking what she thinks." "I'd think the same thing if I was her." "I was gonna ask her to marry me."


"We were planning a trip to New York City in October." "On the anniversary of our first kiss, I was gonna take her to Central Park and ask her." "Now thanks to Priscilla, I'll never get to."

The next day Sam went home. When he went into the kitchen, on the kitchen island he saw Hayley's house keys, garage door opener and most devastating of all for Sam, the ring he'd given Hayley. The ring was sitting on top of a note. He picked it up. It read.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, we're done. I didn't bother reading your letter. I don't give a fuck about anything you have to say. You can have the house, I want nothing to do with you ever again. When you see me at work DO NOT make any attempt to talk to me. I loved you. I let you make love to me. You know how meaningful our first time was for me. I thought it was for you to but it was all a lie. You used me. I see now that I was just a Priscilla stand-in. You lied to me. You broke my heart. If I could I would go back in time and make it so I never met you. I thought the ring you gave me meant something but it's just meaningless junk. All that talk about "someday" was total bullshit. You never wanted to marry me. I hope you and that bitch are very happy together. You two deserve each other. Go to hell.

Sam had tears in his eyes.

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