Chapter 23

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Full Gear was this Sunday. Dynamite was tonight. Hayley was at home talking to Sam on the phone before Dynamite started.

"You know what I realized today?" Hayley said.


"The arena where Full Gear is is the arena I made my debut in."

"Yeah it is, and where we first met."

"Boy how the times have drastically changed since then."

"I know."

"Even though I'm not officially back Sunday, I can't wait to be involved again."

"I'm looking forward to us finally doing something on the show together, even if it is small."

"Me to."

"I have to go put on my face paint."

"Ok." "I'll be watching." "I love you."

"I love you too."

Hayley was watching the show. Sam had just won his match. When his back was turned he was attacked by Max. When Sam was beaten down Max got a microphone and looked into the camera.

"Sarah." Max said tauntingly. "Sarah Draven." "Look what I just did to your boyfriend." "I know your anniversary is on Sunday." "I can't wait for you to see me finish the job from the front row at Full Gear." "It'll be my anniversary present to you."

Sunday afternoon Hayley had just gotten to her and Sam's hotel room. Sam had to be there the day before.

"Sam?" She called. He wasn't there. She figured he was skating or at the gym.

An hour later Sam came back.

"Hi baby." She said.

"Hi." He said as he sat down next to her on the couch. They kissed.

"Were you skating?"

"No." "I was getting a tattoo."

"Can I see?"

"Yeah." "Happy anniversary." He opened up his hand. Right in the middle of his palm in cursive was Hayley's name."

She smiled. "Aw, I love it." They kissed.

Later that night Hayley and Sam were backstage at the arena. She was so excited.

"You're excited aren't you?" Sam asked.


"You're gonna do so great." "I have to go put on my face paint."

"I have to get to my seat anyway." They kissed and went their separate ways.

Sam had rode his skateboard down to the ring. It was a long and grueling match. Sam hit Code Red but just then Wardlow got up on the apron just long enough to distract the referee. When he got down Sam ran against the ropes, hitting a Suicide Dive on the other side between the second and third rope, knocking them both to the ground. The referee was distracted by them. Max started crawling for the Dynamite Diamond Ring. That was Hayley's cue. As she quickly went around the barricade the crowd started to cheer. She grabbed Sam's skateboard and got up on the apron. Just as Max was getting back to his feet, Hayley turned the skateboard sideways and hit him right in the side of the head, he immediately fell flat on his back. She got off the apron and dropped the skateboard. Sam climbed to the top, hit the Coffin Drop and got the three count. Hayley got in the ring. Sam celebrated for a minute before he saw her. When he did she went over to her and the shared a nice long kiss. The crowd cheered.

When they got back to the hotel room Hayley went to the fridge.

"I had a cake custom made for our anniversary." She said sitting down next to Sam with the cake box in her lap. She opened the lid. The cake was shaped like a skateboard and had a picture of Hayley and Sam on it.

"That's really cool."

"I knew you'd like it." "Happy anniversary." She kissed him.

Three hours later in the bedroom candles were lit. They were cuddling.

"I can't believe it's been a year." Sam said. "It doesn't seem like a year."

"No it doesn't." "Sick of me yet?"


"Good." "You're stuck with me now."

"Well I think we have to do something in order for that to officially be true."

"Oh, that." She said smiling.

"Yes, that."

"Well you have to ask me something first."

"I might, someday." "Speaking of our future, I have a confession to make." "I don't want to go back home."

"Well I don't know if you noticed but I haven't exactly been pushing you out the door."

"I noticed." "What would you think about selling our houses, and getting our own place?"


"Yeah." "I've been thinking about it a lot."

"I think, let's start looking at houses." He smiled. They kissed.

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