Chapter 22

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Hayley was about six months into her recovery. She made lots of progress but still had a ways to go. She still had to wear a leg brace but could move better and bend her knee enough to go up and down stairs. She and Sam couldn't believe that their one year anniversary was in just a few weeks. It happened to fall on the night of the Full Gear pay-per-view, where Sam would be taking on MJF. (Max Friedman) As a surprise to the fans, it was planned that Hayley would get involved in the match. Hayley was making a YouTube video showing all of her ring gear.

"Well that's all of them." She said into the camera. "Let's go downstairs and find Darby." She said starting to walk. "Our official anniversary is in two weeks but the anniversary of our first kiss is today." "Come with me and we'll see if he remembers."

She found him sitting on the couch and sat down next to him.

"Baby I'm making a video, say hi." She said.

He looked at the camera. "Hi."

"Do you remember what today is?"

"It's Sunday." He said smirking.

"I mean besides that, you smart ass." "See what I have to put up with." She said into the camera. "I'm just kidding." She said smiling. "I love him." She put the camera back on him. "You seriously don't remember?"

"Let me think." About ten seconds passed. "Wait, I know." "Today's the day we first kissed."


"It's also the first time we um, yeah."

"Yes it is."

"Do people know the story of our first kiss?"


"Do they know that you ghosted me for two weeks after that and refused to talk to me?

"They do now."

"Can I see the camera?" She handed it to him. "Hi everyone on YouTube, this is Darby Allin." "Let me tell you the story you don't know." "After we kissed one thing led to another and we ended up doing something else." He said smiling. "Figure out what it was for yourself." "Anyway after that Hayley, that's her real name for those of who don't know." "She wouldn't speak to me." "I called and text her for two weeks and nothing." "It was driving me crazy when she wouldn't talk to me." "By the second day I realized this isn't just a friend missing another friend, I'm in love with her." "On November 12th I finally got her to talk to me and we've been together ever since."

Hayley scooted over so she would be in view of the camera to. "I just want to make it clear, I was feeling exactly how he was." "I was just scared if we got together, I'd lose my best friend." "So I went down a road of hardcore denial."

"Yeah she did." "Before I could even finish my sentence to tell her I had feelings for her, she cut me off and immediately started going." "No."

"I thought it was crazy for us to feel anything for each other, because prior to that day we never had any feelings for each other."

"Not even our friends believe us about that one." "They're always like." "You guys had to have felt something before that." "We're like, nope not at all."

"Here's how much we didn't when he and I were both divorced and single, he'd started dating again and we'd talk about his dates." "I'd even give him pointers."

"When I did start dating again she used to tell me." "When you find the right one, you'll know." "I can't believe I was so blind to the fact that she was right in front of me."

That Tuesday Hayley, Sam and a bunch of others from AEW were in Wisconsin for autograph signings and Q & A's. When it was time for the Q & A Hayley and Sam were seated next to each other.

"This question is for Sarah and Darby." A teenaged girl said. "Do you think you guys will get married?"

"Well we already live together, kind of." Sam said. "I moved in to help her when she injured her knee and I just haven't went back home yet." "As far as marriage goes, we have discussed it."

"Would you guys want us to get married?" Hayley asked the crowd. They all cheered. "Well we just might, someday."

After it was over Sam went skating and Hayley went back to the hotel. When Sam came back it was just about dark. Hayley wasn't in the living room. He saw candles lit in the bedroom and went into the room. Hayley was sitting up against the headboard in a black bra and panties.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." "Come here."

"Are you sure I won't hurt your knee?"

"My knee will be fine as long as you go slow." "It's been six months, I know we're both horny, now come the fuck here."

He laughed. "You get testy when you're horny." He got on the bed. They kissed.

"Oh Sam." She moaned as he kissed the side of her neck.

"I missed that." They kissed again.

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