Chapter 57

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Hayley and Sam had been engaged for two weeks. Everyone was thrilled for them when they heard the news. They decided to get married November 12th the following year giving them thirteen months to plan everything. Hayley was on the AEW tour bus looking at dresses on her phone.

"What are you doing?" Britt asked sitting next to her.

"Looking at wedding dresses." "See?" She showed her.

"They're all black."

"I know they're gorgeous."

"Well if anyone can pull it off, you can."

"I just hope I can get my body back."

"Even if you can't completely, Sam won't care."

"I know."

"I bet your getting really excited about the baby."

"I am." "I already know personality wise she's gonna be a clone of Sam." "I'll have to worry about both of them."

"I think she'll be a lot more like you then you think."

"Hayley." Sam called from his bed. She went to the back and opened the curtain. "Hi."

"Hi." "Did you have a nice nap?"

"Yeah." "Come here." She laid down next to him. "That's better." He kissed her.

"She's kicking again."

He put his hand on her stomach. "Hi." "I know you want to come out." "Daddy wants you out to." "Not to much longer now."

"I just hope I'm a good mom."

"You'll be a great mom."

"I wonder if every first time mom has these feelings."

"I'm sure they do." "Whatever we don't know we'll learn together."

"What if she doesn't like me?"

"She's gonna love you." "I love you."

"You're my fiancée, you have to."

"That's the first time you've called me that." He said smiling. They kissed. The bus dropped them off at the hotel.

Later that night everyone was at the arena. As Hayley was passing by the Women's Locker Room a flood of memories and feelings hit Hayley like a tidal wave. She remembered the last time she was outside of that locker room with Sam, they were arguing about Priscilla. She remembered everything about their break up and how it made her feel.

Sam was looking for Hayley. He got a text. It read.

I took an Uber back to the hotel. I remember our break up and what you did with Priscilla. I'm staying in another room tonight. I need space. I can't look at you right now.

"No not now." He thought. "Everything was going so well."

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