Chapter 62

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Harlie was in the hospital for three months. She'd been home for a month and was a very healthy baby. Hayley and Sam were getting along great. On the outside everything was fine. On the inside for Hayley she was still sad and depressed. She still didn't understand why. She thought maybe she was a bad mother. She wrote all her feelings down in a laptop that Sam didn't know she had. The wedding planning was progressing. It was the afternoon. Harlie was napping. Hayley was sitting on the couch on her phone. Sam sat down next to her.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Looking at wedding dresses." "Wanna help?"

"I'm not supposed to see your wedding dress before the wedding."

"I'm not gonna buy any of these." "These are just for ideas."

"Ok." She showed him the phone. "I love that you're going with a black dress."

"I'm thinking something like this." She said pointing to a sleeveless one.

"That's nice."

"I want a different fabric though."

"What kind?"


"That would look nice." "You'll look nice in anything." They heard Harlie start to cry. "I'll get her."

"I'll make her bottle."

He went to get her and Hayley went into the kitchen. After Hayley made the bottle she went back into the living room to wait for them. They came down a few seconds later.

"We're gonna go to mommy." Sam said. "She has your lunch."

"There's my baby." Sam handed her to her. In these moments Hayley was happy and her feelings confused her more and more. "Did you have a nice nap?" "Here's your lunch." She put the bottle in Harlie's mouth. As Harlie drank she squeezed Hayley's finger. "You're getting strong."

"Soon you'll be in the ring with daddy."

"Then I have to worry about both of you breaking your necks." She said jokingly.

"Mommy worries to much."

"I hate it when daddy says that." "Let's sit on the floor and play with some toys."

"I'll get some of her stuffed animals."

Later that night Hayley went to bed after cleaning up downstairs. Sam was waiting for her.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"No." "Why what do you want?" She said smiling.

"Come here." She got on top of him.

"I love you."

"I love you too." They kissed.

After Sam fell asleep Hayley put on some pajamas. She went down to the basement where she hid her laptop. As she typed on it she was crying. She thought she must've been crazy.

A week later Hayley dropped Harlie off with a sitter. Sam was due home tomorrow. Hayley had been keeping another secret from Sam. She'd been drinking again. It was the only thing that made her feel normal. She sat down on the couch and took a sip from a fifth of vodka she bought on the way home.

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