Chapter 52

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Hayley and Sam were finding out what the baby was tomorrow. They were both very excited. Hayley was at home and Sam was on the AEW tour bus. They were talking to each other on the phone.

"I can't wait for tomorrow." Hayley said.

"Me either."

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." "I'm to excited."

"I know."

"I'm gonna go make us some dinner."

"Ok." "See you guys tomorrow?"

"Ok bye."

"Bye." They hung up.

As Hayley cooked she was on her phone looking for houses near Sam.

Meanwhile Britt sat down next to Sam on the bus.

"I bet you're excited about tomorrow." Britt said.

"I am."

"Hayley told me you both want a girl."

"Yeah." "I'd be on cloud nine about everything in my life, except for one thing."

"I think I know what it is already, but what is it?"

"I want Hayley back." "I know I have to be patient and I can be, but every day I have to bite back telling her I love her." "I don't just want her to have the baby and co-parent with her." "I want her to move back into the house permanently." "I want to marry her." "I want us to be a family."

"I think she'll come around."

"I'm hoping so but if she remembers everything about our break up, I could lose her forever." "I know she still loved me, but I don't think she ever had any intention of coming back to me."

"She didn't." "When I had breakfast with her the day of her accident, she told me she still loved you, but she could never take you back."

"Did she say why?"

"She said she didn't trust you anymore and couldn't be around you because you broke her heart." "She said she could only picture you making love to Priscilla every time she looked at you."

"Sleeping with her was the biggest mistake I could've made."

The next day Hayley and Sam were at the doctor. The doctor was preparing everything. She put the wand to her stomach.

"Just so you know it's ok to have sex." The doctor said. "It's a common question among expecting parents." "It's perfectly fine."

"Well we're no longer a couple, but thanks." Hayley said.

"Congratulations, it's a girl."

"Yes, I knew it." Sam said happily.

"She's gonna be so beautiful." Hayley said.

Hayley and Sam had just gotten home after having lunch

"What do you think of Harlie Elizabeth?" Hayley asked

"I like it."

"I want to spell it H-A-R-L-I-E."


"Harlie Elizabeth Ratsch, perfect."

"Ratsch?" He said smiling.

"Of course, you're her father.

"I'm gonna go upstairs, lay down and browse for places to live."

"Ok." She went upstairs. "No." He thought. "Please don't go." "I love you."

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