Chapter 48

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Hayley was still in with the doctor, still trying to process the news of her pregnancy. Then she had a horrifying thought.

"Oh god, my baby." She said worried.

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked.

"If I got pregnant before my accident, could it have harmed my baby?"

"I don't think so." "It's obvious you're very early in the pregnancy." "I doubt it would've done any harm." "I would like to see how far along you are." "Please get up on the exam table." She did. Due to the previous testing she'd went through, Hayley had on a gown. The doctor opened it to expose her stomach. She turned on the machine and put gel on Hayley's stomach.

"That's cold."

"Sorry." "Everything looks fine." She turned the screen around. "There it is." She said pointing. "You're about seven weeks along." "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

"Yes." The doctor turned it on. "Wow."

"Do you intend to keep the baby?"


"I'm going to give you some pre-natal vitamins." "Would you like some sonogram pictures?"

"Yes." "When can I find out what it is?"

"The fourth month."

Hayley spend the rest of the day and night thinking about the fact that she was going to have a baby. She did wonder who the father was but even if she never found out she didn't care. She just wanted to be the best mom she could, and show the baby all the support and love she never got.

The next day Sam showed up. They were sitting on the couch.

"Have you given any more thought to what we talked about?" Sam asked.

"I was gonna say yes but because of what the doctor told me yesterday, I don't think I should."

"What did the doctor say?"

"I don't know who by, but I'm pregnant."

"What?" He said surprised. "Really?" He said smiling.

"Why are you so happy?"

"The baby is mine."

"How?" "You said we've been broken up for awhile."

"We have." "The night before your accident, I was trying to talk to you about your drinking problem." "Things got emotional and we ended up having sex."

"Without a condom?"

"We only used one the first two times we had sex." "The rest of the time you were on birth control." "I guess you stopped taking them when we broke up."

"Did we ever talk about having kids?"

"No." "I wanted them with you though."

"I've decided to keep it."

"I still think you should move back into the house." "That way we can prepare for the baby and you don't have to worry about anything."

"Ok, but just for a few months."


"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we were in a relationship." "Now we're having a child together." "Wanna see a picture of the baby?"

"Yeah." She took one out of her purse and handed to him. "Aw, look how small." "I already love it."

"Me to."

"Do you have another copy?" "I want to take one on the road with me."

"Yeah." "Here." She handed him another one.

"Thanks." "How far along?"

"Seven weeks."

"When can we find out what it is?"

"Four months in."

He held her hand. "Hayley, I know you're confused about a lot of things." "You don't have to worry." "I'll be a good father."

"I know you will Sam."

As Sam walked down the hall once he left, he looked at the sonogram and smiled. He still wanted Hayley to love him again, but if she never did, at least he would still have something of their love through the baby.

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