Chapter 51

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Dynamite was in Los Angeles tonight. Hayley decided to make the two and half hour drive there to surprise Sam. Plus she wanted to discuss going public with the pregnancy, since they hadn't yet. She was starting to show so she wore baggy clothes to cover it up. Hayley was planning on making the drive, getting a room for the night, and driving back the next day. When she got to the arena she went to find Sam. She found him in catering. His back was to her. She tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around.

"Hey." He said surprised.

"Hey." They hugged.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would drive down and see the show." "Hey." She leaned up and whispered. "I want to start telling people about the baby."


Hayley went to the Women's Locker Room and knocked on the door. She wanted to tell Britt about the baby, but privately. Priscilla answered the door. Hayley got knots in her stomach.

"Can you get Britt for me?" Hayley asked. Priscilla went back into the room. Britt came out a few seconds later.

"Hey." Britt said happily.

"Hi." They hugged.

"Did you fly down here?"

"I drove."

"Isn't it a long drive from San Francisco?"

"I moved back to San Diego." "I didn't like San Francisco." "I've temporarily moved back in with Sam until I find a place."

"How's your memory doing?"

"I've started to remember some things about me and Sam." "It's weird because I've started to feel happy when I remember them, but being with him still feels so strange." "I have something big to tell you." "About three and a half months ago, I found out I'm pregnant."

"That's so great." "You and Sam the night before your accident?"


"How far along?"

"Fourteen weeks."

"I'm so happy for you." "You and Sam will be great parents."

After the show Hayley and were hanging out in her hotel room.

"I'm glad I decided to come tonight." Hayley said.

"Me to."

"At the same time, it kind of depresses me." "I miss the ring." "It sucks."

"I know."

"I have something to show you." She lifted her shirt passed her stomach. "Look."

"Aw, you're showing."

"Yeah." "I'm gonna get so fat but it's worth it." She put her shirt down.

"You'll be beautiful like always." He slowly drifted closer to her lips. He was inches way. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "No." He thought. "I think she was gonna let me."

Hayley got up and answered it. It was Britt and Austin. Austin hugged Hayley.

"Congratulations." Austin said.


The next day Hayley got in the elevator. Priscilla got on after her.

"Jesus I hate you." She thought. "Why has the thought of you being alone with Sam been bothering me so much?" "I don't understand it." "I don't want you near him." "Just thinking about makes me want to punch you in the face." "What is wrong with me?"

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