Chapter 41

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Hayley was drinking daily. While she hated doing it, it made the feelings stop and that's what she wanted. She barely thought about Sam anymore. Whenever she would start to she would just drink more heavily. She told Dr. Sullivan that they no longer needed to do sessions. Which Dr. Sullivan was suspicious of but Hayley never responded to her calls or texts. Tonight on Dynamite Hayley and Sam were taking on Brandi and Cody in a mixed tag. When Hayley got to the arena she was buzzed. Not completely drunk but in no way was she in any condition to wrestle. She went to catering to get something to eat. As she was eating Sam came up to her.

"I wanna talk." Sam said.

"About what?" She said annoyed.

"About us."

"There is no us." "You threw us away." "Remember?"

"I'm sorry."

"I don't give a fuck that you're sorry." "When are you gonna get that?"

"Have dinner with me this week." "We can sit down and discuss things."

"I don't think there's anything to discuss." "You may or may not have fucked your ex-wife the night I caught you, you kissed her then." "Then you told me you fucked her." "You made love to her and you expect me to just forget about it." "Discussion is over." "Take Priscilla out to dinner if you want to go so bad." She said getting up. She started to walk away.

"I don't want Priscilla." "I want you." "I love you."

She stopped and turned around. "Well I hate you."

"You don't mean that."

"Yes I do." She walked away.

Lucky for everyone during the mixed tag match no one got hurt. Hayley and Sam won.

Sam had been back at his hotel room for about an hour. There was a knock at his door. He was surprised to see Hayley standing there. She went inside without saying a word. She was drunk now.

"Hayley what's wrong with you?" Sam asked.


"Are you drunk?"

"Sam, you know I don't drink."

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm horny." "I might hate you." She said going up to him. "That doesn't mean the sex won't be amazing." She kissed him. All he could taste was alcohol. He pulled away.

"Hayley, no."

"Why?" "It's what you want right?" "For me to come back?" "Here I am."

"Not like this."

"I love you." "Isn't that what you want me to tell you?" "That I love you and I miss you and I want you to make love to me?" She kissed him. He kissed her back. "Take me to bed." She mumbled against his lips. He broke the kiss. "Hayley sit down." He sat her on the couch.

"Come here Sam."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"You're drunk."

"No I'm not." "Come on, please come here." "I love you." "I've never stopped loving you, you know that."

"I know that but I can't." Hearing her say that hurt because he knew she meant it but would just blame it on the booze tomorrow.

"I'm not drunk Sam."

"Yes you are."

"Were you ever gonna propose to me?"


"I would've said yes."

"I know." There was silence for about ten seconds. "Hayley?" He looked over and saw she was passed out. He picked her up, carried her to his bed and went and slept on the couch.

When Sam woke up the next morning and went to check on Hayley she was gone.

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