Chapter 28

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Hayley was returning to the ring tomorrow. She was really excited. She and Sam were stuck in traffic and had been for the last half hour. Hayley decided to take out her phone and go live on YouTube.

"Hello." She said. "Welcome, this is Sarah Draven and Darby Allin." "As you can see we are caught in a traffic jam." She said pushing the button to flip the camera around to show them. Then pushing the button again to flip it around back to her. "Hence this impromptu livestream." "I'll read your comments, answer your questions, we'll just shoot the breeze." "I see a lot of people in here already." "Sarah, your hair looks great." She read out loud from the chat window. "Thank you, I love my new hair." "When will you return, it's been almost a year?" "Yes I know it's been a long time." "Hopefully very soon." She laughed seeing the next one. "Darby listen to this." "Did Darby Allin get you pregnant?" "Is that why you haven't come back yet?"

Sam laughed." No I didn't get her pregnant." He said off camera.

"I take birth control to ensure there is no chance little Darby's or Sarah's running around."

"Otherwise we'd have a whole litter." "I can't keep her off me." He said laughing a little.

"I think you have that backwards Darby."

"Oh really?" "Who was bugging who last night?"

"We didn't do anything last night, we went to sleep."

"Don't lie to them."

"I'm not lying, we went to sleep everyone."

"No we didn't."

"Tell them the truth."

"I just did."

She smiled. "I hate you."

"I love you too baby."

"If you don't tell them the truth, I'm gonna call you something you don't like."

"Like what?"

"I know you guys have heard me call Darby by his real name before, but his name is actually slightly longer." "He hates being called it." "Don't you, Samuel."

"Fine, we went to sleep."

"Thank you."

"See how mean she is to me?"

"Aw, I'm sorry." She said smiling. "One second you guys." She put her phone down but could still be heard. "Give me a kiss." They kissed. She picked up the phone. "I'm back." "Ok on to more questions." "You and Darby are so cute." She read out loud. "I love the playful bickering."

"I want to ask your viewers a question." She turned the phone towards him. "Do you think Sarah should let him give her skating lessons?"

"Last time I tried that it was a disaster."

"Oh, so us kissing and it leading to us falling in love was a disaster?" He said smirking.

"You know that's not what I meant." She turned the phone back towards her. "He's such a smart ass." "Shit, I'm seeing a lot of yeses."

"You have to let me do it."

"I'll think about it." She looked at the chat window. "This says when will Darby... and it has a ring emoji."

"I gave her a ring already."

"Yes he did." She held it up to the camera. "It just wasn't the one you guys were expecting. "Look it even has our favorite word on it." "Someday."

"Yeah, so get off my back." Sam said jokingly.

Hayley laughed. "Oh, I didn't know this was a rumor."


"How do you both feel about the rumor that Priscilla Kelly is joining AEW?"

"This is the first I'm hearing of it." "From a professional standpoint, it would be good for the women's division."

"As for my professional opinion, I don't really have one because I've never seen her wrestle." "I've never even met her." Traffic started moving again. "Well guys traffic is moving again." "I'm gonna call it a day and get going." "See you soon." "Bye." She disconnected and put her phone away.

Hayley looked at Sam.

"I hope that rumor isn't true." She said. "I don't want to work with her."

"I know." "I don't think it's anything to worry about."

Later that night Hayley was eagerly watching the match backstage she was to get involved in after the fact. Melissa (Thunder Rosa) was taking on Jade Cargill. Jade won the match and began attacking Melissa after the match. The crowd exploded in cheers when Hayley's music came on. She ran down to the ring punched Jade a few times and knocked her over the top rope. She helped up Melissa smiling. When Melissa turned her back Hayley hit her from behind. She fell down. Hayley's expression turned to hate. The crowd immediately booed. Hayley went down by Melissa's feet, flipped her on her back, lifted her left leg and repeatedly stomped her kneecap. She dragged her to the corner, got out of the ring and pulled her between the ring post. Then she slammed her knee into the post three times. Melissa fell out of the ring to the floor. She picked her up while also holding her knee up and rammed it into the steel stairs. After waiting about fifteen seconds, she picked her up and did it again. As she listened to the crowd boo, it took everything in her not to smile. It felt so good to be back.

When she went to the back Sam was waiting for her smiling. He'd already had his match so his face paint was barely on. They hugged and kissed.

"You did so good Hayley." He said proudly.

"Their reaction felt so good." "I missed the energy." "I just hope I can do a good heel promo."

"You'll do great."

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