Chapter 47

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Hayley was standing at a bathroom sink. It was in Sam's house. Suddenly Sam appeared behind her shirtless in the mirror putting his arms around her waist.

"Hi." He said.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Give me a kiss." She turned her head and they kissed. "Wanna have sex?"

"Go light the candles." "I'll be in in a minute...

Hayley was awakened by her alarm going off. She shut it off. About a month had passed. She had a headache. She was told by her doctor that after a head injury frequent headaches were common. She got up, went into the bathroom and took an Excedrin. She was brushing her teeth.

"Was that a dream or a memory?" She thought. "Either way I'm glad I woke up before I saw Sam naked or something." "Ew."

Right after Hayley got done brushing her teeth she threw up. She'd been doing it for the last two weeks. She figured it was something to do with her head injury. She had made an appointment with her doctor for tomorrow.

Hayley had tried to eat breakfast but didn't have much of an appetite. Her phone rang.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi." Sam said.


"How do you feel?"




"Throw up again?"

"Yeah." "I'm scared Sam." "What if my head injury was worse then they thought?"

"I wouldn't worry about it." "It's probably just side effects from the injury."

"I hope you're right." "You're still coming to see me Thursday right?"


"Thank god." "It's so boring here." "I'm thinking about moving back to San Diego." "I don't know why I moved all the way here in the first place."

"I think it was to get away from me." "Why don't you temporarily move back into my house until you find a new place?" "We can be roommates."

"We'll talk about it when you're here."


The next day Hayley was at the doctor. They ran a battery of tests. The doctor came in.

"Hi Hayley." She said.

"Hi." "So, how bad is it?" She said expecting to hear the worst possible scenario.

"It's not." "Apart from the headaches, which are due to your head injury, everything else you're experiencing is common and normal."

"Common and normal?" She said confused.

"You're pregnant Hayley."

"I'm what?" She said confused.


"But I haven't had sex with anyone."

"It most likely happened before your accident."

"Are you certain?"

"Oh my god." She said in disbelief. "How am I supposed to find the father?" She thought. "I have no idea who it could be." "It isn't Sam, who else is there?"

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