Chapter 42

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Sam was suspicious of Hayley. He knew she didn't drink and had strong convictions against it. He was worried about her. Hayley and Sam had to film a promo on location It was a night shoot. Hayley didn't drink enough to get buzzed or drunk but enough to take the edge off. The sun had set about ten minutes before Hayley got to the warehouse where filming was taking place. It was around eight o'clock. Hayley found Sam and they film crew. Since they were filming a promo Sam had his face paint on.

"Hi." Sam said to Hayley.

"Hi." Hayley said.

It took about three hours to film the promo. It was about eleven o'clock. Hayley walked to her car. She'd parked near a street light.

"Hayley." Sam said from behind her.


"I want to talk."

"I don't care."

"Do you have a drinking problem?"

She turned around. "What?"

"Why are you drinking?" "You always told me you hate alcohol because it reminds you of your dad."

"So I got drunk, big deal."

"It is a big deal." "Alcoholism is in your family and you shouldn't drink."

"Since we're talking about the alcoholics in my family, let's talk about the one in yours." "Just because that happened to your uncle doesn't mean it will to me."

"Yeah that did happen to him and me." "You know how much that accident has affected me." "I had to go to his funeral at five years old." "I don't want to do that with you." As he said that tears went down his cheeks. "I can't go through that again." "If you want to be pissed at me, fine, be pissed at me." "Please don't hurt yourself." He hugged her and cried. "I don't want you to die." He said tearfully. She hugged him back.

"I'm not gonna die." "I don't have a problem." Seeing Sam break down like this was breaking her heart. "Everything's ok." "Look at me." "It's ok honey." Slowly he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. She kissed him back. It was becoming more and more passionate with every kiss.

Back at the hotel Hayley and Sam had quickly went into Sam's room. They were immediately kissing feverishly when the door was closed. He had her pressed against the door. They both quickly took off each other's bottoms. He lifted her off the ground. Her legs went around his waist. They kissed as he slipped inside her.

"Oh god." She moaned loudly. "Oh Sam." She moaned as he started to move.

"Do you, know how much, I've missed that?" He said in between kisses.

Afterwards she was laying on him.

"I l- He started.

"No don't." She kissed him. "Just hold me."

When Sam woke up the next morning. Hayley wasn't there but was a note on the pillow. He picked it up. It read.

"Last night was a mistake." "It didn't mean anything." "You know what that's like right?"

Sam sighed. "She's lying." He thought. "Iknow she enjoyed and wanted last night." "Just like I did."

Later that night Hayley was driving to the arena. She was drinking and driving. She was also speeding. She took a turn to sharp. She screamed as her car went down a steep embankment. The car flipped three times. Hayley lost consciousness.

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