Chapter 63

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The next chapter is the last one. Any requests?

The next morning Sam was in a taxi on his way home. His phone rang.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hi Sam this is Maria." She said.

"Hi what's up?"

"Have you talked to Hayley today?"

"No why?"

"She was supposed to pick up Harlie an hour ago." "I'm happy to keep watching her but I'm concerned about Hayley." "She's not answering her phone."

"I'm on my way home now." "I'll see what's going on and call you back."


They hung up. Sam tried calling Hayley but got no answer.

When Sam got home he quickly went inside house.

"Hayley?" He called. She wasn't downstairs. "Hayley?" He called again going up the stairs. He went to their bedroom. Hayley was laying in the bed on her stomach. When Sam got closer to the bed he noticed there was an empty bottle of a fifth of vodka on the nightstand, as well as a laptop he'd never seen before. "Hayley wake up." She didn't budge. "Hayley." He put his hand on her back and she was cold. He noticed she wasn't breathing. "Hayley, Hayley, wake up." He said beginning to panic. "Hayley!" He screamed. "Hayley wake up right now!" He said shaking her with no movement from her. "Hayley!" He said starting to cry. "Hayley, please!" He took out his phone and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" The operator asked.

"I need an ambulance." "My fiancée isn't breathing." He gave the address.

"Do you know what happened?"

"No." "I just got home and I found her unconscious in our bedroom." "I thought she was passed out at first."

"Did you find anything around her?"

"An empty vodka bottle."

"Do you know CPR?"


 "I need you to put her flat on the floor and begin chest compressions."

He put her on the floor. Her lips were blue. He started the compressions. "Breathe baby breathe, god damn it, breathe!" "Just take a breath!" "Don't you leave me!" "Breathe!"

The ambulance arrived within the next two minutes.

Sam was anxiously waiting in the hospital hall. The doctor came out.

"How is she?" Sam asked.

"I'm sorry Mr. Ratsch but Hayley is brain dead." The doctor said as comfortingly as she could.

"So she's gone?"

"She's on a ventilator but she'll never recover." "She can go on on the ventilator for years but it's your decision."

"Are you sure there's no hope she'll recover?"

"Yes." "She has absolutely no brain activity."

"What caused this?"

"Alcohol poisoning."

"Can I see her?"

"She's the third door on the right."

Sam went into the room. He went over to Hayley leaned over her bed and broke down crying. He couldn't believe she was gone.

"Why were you drinking?" He said through his tears. "What did I do?" "I'm sorry."

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