Chapter 29

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Today was Hayley's first Dynamite back. She was booked on Chris Irvine's (Chris Jericho) podcast this morning. Her alarm went off. She turned it off and went to get up.

"No, I'm comfortable." Sam said stopping her. "Come here." He pulled her on top of him. "That's better."

"I have to get up Sam."


"I can't be late."

"Tell Chris you were to horny to make it on time."

She laughed. "Sam." They kissed. "Baby, I've got, to go." She said in-between kisses.


"I promise."

"I'm holding you to that."

"You can hold me to anything you want, a lot of sexy nights have started for us that way." They both laughed. "I love you."

He kissed her. "I love you too."

Hayley was on Chris's podcast. They were talking about the years of abuse she endured, including her marriage.

"Until I got into therapy I never understood how wrong my marriage was." "I knew he shouldn't be hitting and verbally abusing me but in my mind at the time, it was, I don't want to say ok, but it seemed normal because that's what I was used to." "Plus I thought he loved me." "I know now, that is the exact opposite of loving someone."

"I'm guessing things were said by him along the lines of." "No one will ever want you but me."

"Yes and if you hear that enough, you start believing it." "People who have never been through it don't understand, it's not as easy as just walking out." "They condition you to believe what they're telling you." "Then if you finally feel like leaving, you don't think you can."

"Let's talk about your recent return." "Not only did you return but you turned heel."


"Was that your idea or theirs?"

"They called me and asked if I would like to and I said of course." "I'm excited to see where this character will go."

"Anyone you would like to work with that you haven't had the opportunity to?"

"Britt Baker." "I think she and I could have a classic." "I'd also like to work with Darby Allin somehow, and no not just because he's my boyfriend." She said smiling. "I'm also hoping for a shot it the AEW Women's Championship one day." "I understand that I have to work my way back up." "I know I can do it." "I was on the cusp before my injury."

"Can I get personal with you?"


"How would you feel if the rumors of Priscilla Kelly joining AEW turn out to be true, given her history with Darby and the allegations she made against you and him in the past?"

"Well as far as the allegations are concerned, I've said this many times but they are completely false." "If she were to join AEW, I would be civil and professional."

"Can we talk about Darby Allin?"

"Yes." She said smiling.

"As you eluded to earlier, he is your boyfriend."


"How long has it been now?"

"A year and a half."

"I'm glad you guys were able to work it out after that chip challenge thing." He said laughing.

She laughed. "Yeah he's definitely rubbed off on me since we've been together." "That's the closest we've ever come to fighting." "As I was throwing up I was thinking." "It's over, I'm moving out, I'm getting his name taken off my palm." Chris laughed. "I didn't talk to him for like an hour." "When he started throwing up to, I felt bad for not talking to him."

"Other then that night how is the relationship."

"It's great." "I know it sounds corny as fuck but he's showed me what love is supposed to be." "He's everything to me." "I love him so much."

"There were no feelings before you started dating?" "You hung out together all the time."

"Nope, no feelings whatsoever." "Not until after, well, our first time together." "It was purely spur of the moment." "If it hadn't happened, we wouldn't be together right now."

"Who admitted feelings first?"

"Him." "I was very, very resistant at first." "I thought if we started dating it would ruin our friendship." "Once he told me he loved me, I stopped fighting it and just let it happen."

"I'm gonna ask this next question a little differently, so you can't give the same answer you always do." "Would you say yes if Darby proposed to you?"


They were off the air.

"Thanks for having me on Chris." She said. "That was fun."

"Can I ask you a question strictly between you and me?"


"What do you really think of Priscilla Kelly?"

"I don't want to work with her." "She's a lying bitch." "Of course you know why I couldn't say that."

"Of course."

Later that night Hayley went out thousands of booing to cut her first ever heel promo. She stood in the middle of the ring with a microphone.

"This is the way you welcome me back huh?" "I busted my ass for nearly a year to come back for you guys and this is the welcome I get?" "Then when I take out that bitch Thunder Rosa for almost ending my career, you sided with her when I tried to give her a taste of her own medicine." "In comments you'd constantly ask me." "When are you coming back?" "Well I'm back and where's all the support now?" "By the way, I see a lot of "Coffin Drop" signs in the crowd." "My relationship with Darby Allin is none of your damn business." "I see the true colors of all of you fans now, I don't need you, I don't want you." "What I want is the AEW Women's Championship."

Hayley went to the back. Sam hugged her.

"That was awesome." "I loved the part about me." "It made me laugh."

"That was fun."

As Hayley and Sam were getting ready to leave the arena she got a message that Tony Kahn wanted to see her. They went to his office.

"Hi Hayley." Tony said from behind his desk.

"Hi." "Am I in trouble?"

"No." "As you know we are open to working with other companies." "We've been in talks with NWA." "One of the people they've specifically asked for is you." "They said if you accept they'd like to talk to you about a possible NWA Women's Championship match."

"I know what you're thinking Hayley." Sam said. "Don't worry about me." "If you want this, take it."

"How long?" Hayley asked.

"It's a three month tour."

"Ok." "When?"

"In two weeks."


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