Chapter 17

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The news stories of Priscilla saying Hayley and Sam had an affair were everywhere. Hayley and Sam had supporters but as to be expected, there were people who believed Priscilla. Hayley was trying not to let it bother her but it was. Hayley was at home. She just pressed record to make a video.

"Hi everyone, I'm Sarah Draven and welcome." "Since you all found out that Sam is Darby Allin, you've been asking how our first kiss happened." "We were best friends for almost two years before our first kiss happened." "We're still best friends, except we have sex now." She said laughing a little. "I know some of you were hoping Darby would be here for this video but he's off on a skateboarding trip." "It all started because of this skateboard." She showed it to the camera. "Our official anniversary is November 12th but our first kiss happened two weeks before that." "We were in New York City for autograph signings." "The day it happened I was going to Central Park to look at the leaves." "When the elevators doors opened Darby was there with his skateboard." "He said he was going to Central Park to skateboard." "When we got there we went our separate ways." "After about two hours he came up to me." "I told him I didn't know how he did know how he did all those tricks on his skateboard, and that I would fall on my ass." "He told me to stand up and try it, so I did." "I made it move a few inches but I almost fell off and Darby caught me." "Then he kissed me." She said smiling. "So yeah, it was all because of a skateboard that Darby kissed me."

The next day Hayley was standing in hallway at the arena as she read the comments for the video she uploaded the previous day. Some of the comments were very mean. They said things like. "Slut." "Homewrecker." "Close your legs." "Tell the truth." Hayley's eyes filled with tears. Sam came up to her.

"Hi." He said. "What's wrong?" She handed him her phone. "Hayley, don't read these."

"I know it's not exactly the same thing but it makes me feel the way I did when I was a kid."

"Baby, you can't listen to them, it's gonna drive you crazy." "We know what really happened." "Most of those people are just Priscilla's fans."

"It's just hard to know something isn't true, and when you say it isn't, people don't believe you."

"I know." "It's ok." He hugged her.

About an hour later Hayley got a notification on her phone. She ignored it because she was watching Sam's match. Britt came up to her two minutes later.

"Did you see the interview Lucas did?" She asked.


"He's claiming you and him were at a hotel room after a pay-per-view." "He says you left the room in the middle of the night and slept with Sam."

"While we were married?"

"Yeah." "He's claiming Sam's the reason you divorced him."

She sighed frustrated. "Will this ever end?"

After Sam's match Hayley decided to go back to the hotel. When he got to the back he heard about the interview. After the show he went to Hayley's room. She was sitting on the couch crying. He sat down next to her and hugged her.

"Now people think even more I'm just some whore." She said tearfully. "You know how much being with you the first time meant to me, what a big deal it was for me."

"I know."

"That bastard has some nerve." "The night he's talking about is the night I slept in your room because he hit me." "There's only one way to fight this." "I have to tell everyone why I ended the marriage."

"You're gonna talk about it?"

"I have to." "It's the only way."

The next day Hayley was at home. Sam was in the room with her but was going to stay off camera for what she was about to do. She turned on the camera.

"I'm coming to all of you today as Hayley Barnes." She said seriously. "The allegations made by Lucas Johnson are false." "I didn't sleep with Darby Allin while I was still married." "I did sleep in Darby Allin's room one night while I was married but it was because I was seeking refuge." "My ex-husband was verbally and physically abusive during our marriage...

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