Chapter 31

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Hayley had just gotten to the arena. She knew she was to report to management before anything else. She knocked on the door.

"Come in." A man's voice said on the other side of the door She went inside. "Hayley Barnes." "It's nice to meet you." "I'm Billy Corgan." "Please sit down." She sat down. "It's great to have you here."

"It's good to be here."

"I'll get right to it." "We want to give a NWA Women's Championship match in three weeks." "Kailey Farmer (Kamille) is already aware of the match."

"Thank you for the opportunity." "I'm looking forward to working with the women here."

As Hayley walked to the Women's Locker Room she happily text Sam about her title opportunity. She went into the locker room. She found a locker and the woman came up to her.

"Hi I'm Allysin Kay." She said. "I'm a big fan."

"I'm Hayley Barnes."

"It's you and me tonight."

"That'll be fun."

Hayley got a text it read.

That's so great baby. You deserve it. - Sam

"Is that Darby Allin? Allysin asked.


"I love watching you guys on your YouTube channel." She saw a picture of Hayley and Sam was Hayley's screensaver. "Aw."

"I miss him like crazy already and it hasn't even been a whole day yet."

"What's his real name?"


Later that night Hayley was in her hotel room. The Skype ring went off on her phone. She pressed the button to connect. Sam popped up on the screen.

"Hey baby." Sam said smiling.

"Hi honey."

"How was your first night?

"Really fun." "Everyone's really nice."


"People were chanting for you when I went out."

"I think we should go away together." "We haven't for a long time."

"Where to?"

"New York City."

"Why New York City?"

"I figured we could go there in the fall, maybe around the end of October." "That way you can see the leaves changing like you like." "Plus we'll actually get to see some sites because we won't be working." "We can spend Halloween there." "What do you think?"


"I'm so proud of you for getting the title shot."

"I wish you could be there."

"So do I." "I think it's because I know I can't, but you don't know how much I wish I could kiss you right now."

"I know what you mean." "I really miss you."

"I miss you to."

"I'm gonna go get some dinner."

"Ok." "I love you Hayley."

"I love you too Sam." "Bye."


The next night Hayley and Allysin were hanging out in Hayley's room.

"What does your ring mean?" Allysin asked.

"Sam gave this to me on my birthday." "Whenever someone asks us if we will get married." "We always say." "Someday." "We even say it to each other."

"Do you think Sam will propose to you?"


"Do you want him to?"

"Yes, but the reason I never admit that in public is because I don't want Sam to feel any pressure." "I want him to propose when he's ready."

That Wednesday Sam was backstage at the arena. He was in his face paint talking to Hayley.

"I love you too." He said. "Bye." He hung up. He turned around and couldn't believe who he saw behind him. "Priscilla." He said surprised.

"Hi Sam."

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