Chapter 5

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  Fang Zheng saw that the atmosphere in the box was not right, and was about to leave, but was suddenly stopped.

He was called by a man with dyed red hair. He pointed at Fang Zheng, "You, come here."

Fang Zheng hesitated for a moment, but finally pushed the cart and walked in.

The door was closed, and Fang Zheng took two steps, only to see Zhou Jingnian sitting on the sofa, his cat-like eyes widened for a moment, looking very innocent and cute.

The red-haired man took out a bottle of wine from the car, opened the bottle and poured a glass again, he smiled at Zhou Jingnian and said: "This little brother may think that drinking like this is boring, I will bring you something fresh today. "Then put the wine glass into Fang Zheng's hand, and ordered: "Go feed this little brother a drink." At

the end, he added two words maliciously: "Use your mouth."

, Hong Mao's move was completely humiliating Zhou Jingnian. The people headed by Young Master Zeng all laughed as if watching a good show.

Wen Yang, who was pressed on the sofa, said angrily: "Zeng Rong!"

Zeng Rong opened his small eyes that were squeezed by fat and almost disappeared, and took a look at Wen Yang, but turned a deaf ear to his roar. He was humiliated by Zhou Jingnian. Get it back from him.

As for Fang Zheng, his heart sank, and he raised his head to look at Zhou Jingnian. The other party's eyes were deep, but just as he felt when they were together during the day, although his brows were stern, they still carried a reassuring gentleness.

Fang Zheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't offend anyone present, and the only one he could ask for help was this new classmate who had only been with him for just one day.

Seeing the little waiter staring blankly, the red-haired boy pushed him and urged: "What are you doing blankly, hurry up!"

Fang Zheng was pushed towards Zhou Jingnian involuntarily, and the red wine in the glass spilled all over his body. He felt the heat on his waist, and Zhou Jingnian hugged him full.

Fang Zheng sniffed the smell of red wine, raised his head in Zhou Jingnian's arms, and the other party just happened to lower his head, and their noses were almost facing each other. He saw Zhou Jingnian reaching out, brushing away the overly long hair on his forehead, and said in a low voice, "Hide away obediently later, you know?"

Fang Zheng was taken aback by the other party's gentle tone, waiting for him to recover When it was time, Zhou Jingnian pinched his waist and put him in the corner of the sofa.

Zhou Jingnian stood up from the sofa.

It was the same in the previous life. In order to humiliate him, Zeng Rong's people grabbed Fang Zheng and ordered him to feed him wine. At that time, although he was a dandy that others would not dare to mess with, he was still inexperienced and didn't want to come here. Just causing trouble for his uncle, coupled with being in a bad mood, he caught a glimpse of Yingcheng's stature under the hazy light, and there was an evil fire spouting out from nowhere, he raised his head and took a sip of wine and dragged him away. Fang Zheng, who was asking his new classmate for help, kissed him forcefully.

At that time, regardless of the other party's humiliation and struggle, he kissed the other party desperately, until the other party bit his lip, and then let go.

After that, Fang Zheng hated him very much, but due to his own background, he was unable to retaliate. Even if the two of them sat back and forth, Fang Zheng hadn't spoken a word to him for half a year.

The memory was only for a moment, Zhou Jingnian grabbed an unopened bottle of wine, and slammed it on the head of Zeng Rong who was sitting lazily beside him.

The wine bottle shattered and made a loud noise, Zeng Rong turned over and fell to the ground with his head covered in blood without making a sound.

Everyone was shocked by this scene, they didn't expect him to make such a ruthless attack, and immediately opened Zeng Rong's hands.

Fang Zheng was also dumbfounded. He looked at Zhou Jingnian's sharp-edged side face, and at that moment the opponent's aura was fully opened, as if a lazy and dozing lion had finally woken up, and his every move carried a thrilling and intimidating aura.

Fang Zheng's heart suddenly jumped.

After Zeng Rong fell to the ground, Hongmao reacted the fastest and kicked Zhou Jingnian.

The people who came with Zeng Rong rushed towards Zhou Jingnian in an instant.

Wen Yang and the others, who had been pinned to the side because of the small number of people, soon joined the battle.

A fight broke out in the private room, Fang Zheng huddled in the corner of the sofa, still holding an almost empty wine glass in his hand stupidly, he looked at the appearance of his new classmate who was outnumbered, and hesitated if he went up to help at this time, Will it make trouble for the other party instead?

One person was kicked by Zhou Jingnian's long leg and fell directly in front of Fang Zheng's sofa. Looking at the familiar red hair, Fang Zheng picked up a bottle of wine and smashed it on the back of the man's head without thinking.

After Zeng Rong was knocked unconscious by the wine bottle, Hong Mao also fainted.

On Zeng Rong's side, there are only one or two who can fight, and the rest hang out in sensual venues all day long, lack of exercise, and their bodies are hollowed out by alcohol and sex. Zhou Jingnian's side is similar, they are all a group of pampered sons and daughters, and the combat power mainly depends on him and Wen Yang.

After everyone on Zeng Rong's side was knocked down, the aftermath was handed over to Wen Yang. Zhou Jingnian stretched out his hand, "Come."

Fang Zheng put down his wine glass, and as soon as he walked to Zhou Jingnian, his arm was grabbed, Pull him out of the box.

The sound insulation effect of the box is mediocre, and the movement inside has already attracted the attention of people in other boxes. Brother Li was huddled by the door, and he was relieved to see that Fang Zheng had come out properly, but after he saw the situation in the box, the whole Heart raised again.

Fang Zheng was dragged away involuntarily, before he could say hello to Brother Li, he twisted the arm held by Zhou Jingnian twice, "Where are you taking me?"

Zhou Jingnian stopped and turned around, looked at him and said: " Someone may have called the police, and the police will come later, do you want to follow?"

Fang Zheng shrank his neck when he heard it, and if he went to the police station, those people might see his face more clearly. Maybe she will vent her anger on him and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

Zhou Jingnian smiled, and after Fang Zheng asked for leave and changed his clothes, the two went out directly from the back door of the bar.

Walking on the side of the neon-shining street, Fang Zheng sighed helplessly in his heart, and left work early. Although he took leave, his salary would still be deducted. But looking at Zhou Jingnian walking beside him, thinking that the other party also helped him when he solved his own troubles, he lost all thoughts.

Zhou Jingnian looked sideways at Fang Zheng, and seeing his sad face, he knew what he was thinking right now, and couldn't help but want to touch his hair. Zhou Jingnian held back his hand, and asked Fang Zheng, "Are you hungry?"

It was past ten o'clock, and Fang Zheng didn't eat dinner after school because he had to go to work. He usually waited until after work. Snack at the bar.

As soon as Zhou Jingnian finished his question, Fang Zheng's stomach growled twice as if answering.

Fang Zheng laughed awkwardly.

Zhou Jingnian said: "It is because of me that you are embarrassed tonight. I will treat you to a supper." The

restaurant was basically closed, and finally the two sat down at a barbecue stall. After ordering a bunch of barbecue, Zhou Jingnian and The boss said: "Less chili."

Fang Zheng likes spicy food, but he eats irregularly and his stomach always rebels. Now it is not suitable to eat spicy food on an empty stomach.

Fang Zheng watched Zhou Jingnian come over and sat opposite him without changing his expression, his long legs bent there in aggrieved way, and he looked at him miraculously.

Seeing him staring at him, Zhou Jingnian said, "What's the matter?"

Fang Zheng smiled and said, "I always feel like you are not in the same world as me." He pointed to the people sitting around eating barbecue, and turned around again. Returning to Zhou Jingnian, who was out of tune with the surrounding environment, "You don't seem like someone who would sit and eat in this kind of place."

Zhou Jingnian didn't come from an ordinary family at first glance, and the clue could be seen only from his clothes.

Zhou Jingnian took off his coat and put it on his knees, rolled up a portion of his sleeves, revealing his slender and powerful wrists. After hearing what Fang Zheng said, he just smiled faintly. In his previous life, in order to chase each other, from the initial dislike to the later habit, he accompanied Fang Zheng to eat countless times at roadside barbecue stalls.

The barbecue was brought up quickly, and Zhou Jingnian used chopsticks to remove the not-too-greasy grilled meat and vegetables from the iron skewer, piled up the plate and pushed it in front of Fang Zheng, took the other party's plate and continued to make it, and occasionally took a bite by himself.

Seeing his skillful movements, Fang Zheng couldn't help but stop.

Zhou Jingnian always kept an eye on him, so he looked at him: "Isn't it delicious?"

Fang Zheng shook his head, swallowed the food in his mouth, and turned his empty hand back and forth between the two of them, "You, you treat everyone with respect." So gentle, so considerate?"

Although the occasion was wrong, it was at a barbecue stand, but Zhou Jingnian's behavior was like the gentleman he had seen on TV, cutting steak for a lady.

Zhou Jingnian stared at him and said, "It's natural to pick someone."

Fang Zheng was stunned.

Soon, another plate was full, and Zhou Jingnian pushed it over again, interrupting Fang Zheng's thoughts that he had no time to think about.

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