Chapter 9

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   Zhou Jingnian's foot was so hard that he even ground it a bit.

Jiang Mian naturally screamed in pain, but after they fell down, other students quickly surrounded him, and the scene was chaotic, so Jiang Mian didn't see who stepped on him.

Zhou Jingnian stretched out his hand and pinched Fang Zheng's ankle, and Fang Zheng immediately let out a painful inhalation sound. His complexion was pale, and it was obvious that the sprain was serious.

Zhou Jingnian's face darkened, he squatted in front of Fang Zheng, "Come up, I'll take you to see a doctor."

Two physical education teachers also came over, urging them to take the two injured people to the school infirmary.

Fang Zheng tried to stand up by himself, but found that his ankle really hurt, and now was not the time to force it. With the help of Chen An and the others, he lay down on Zhou Jingnian's back.

But Zhou Jingnian said to Chen An: "Please take a leave of absence for the next class."

Then he ran directly to the school gate with Fang Zheng on his back.

But without a leave note, the guards wouldn't let them go out.

"Isn't there a school doctor in the school, just go there and have a look." Fang Zheng said.

"No." Zhou Jingnian directly denied it. The school doctor is unreliable. Zhou Jingnian remembered that Fang Zheng had a stomachache in his previous life. OK

Finally, the guard looked at Fang Zheng's right ankle, and it was indeed swollen, which proved that they were not lying and skipping class. The guard called the office and asked the teacher before letting them out.

Zhou Jingnian wanted to take Fang Zheng to the hospital directly, but Fang Zheng didn't want to. There is a clinic near the school. Some boarding students who live far away from home usually go there if they have a cold and a fever. He pointed the way and asked Zhou Jingnian to take him there. There.

Zhou Jingnian pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and followed the route pointed by Fang Zheng. In Fang Zheng's eyes, he is just a close classmate in the class and has no right to make any decisions for him.

When I arrived at the clinic, the doctor showed my ankle and said that there was nothing serious about it. Just rest for a few days and don't strain your feet. If you are really worried, you can go to the hospital to take a picture or something.

Zhou Jingnian looked at Fang Zheng, and saw that he was greatly relieved when he heard the doctor said there was no problem. He took the medicine and paid for it, but his brows did not relax.

Zhou Jingnian knew that Fang Zheng didn't go to the hospital to save money, but now he was frowning because he had to go to work at night. He spends more than an hour running every day. Now that his foot is injured, going to school and going to work is a big problem.

After leaving the clinic, Zhou Jingnian still carried Fang Zheng behind his back.

Fang Zheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Please take me to the small supermarket next door. I'll call my colleague in the bar."

Zhou Jingnian didn't move, but turned his head, "What are you going to do?"

Fang Zheng explained: "I'll ask him to pick me up from work later by bike."

Zhou Jingnian lifted his foot and left, saying, "I'll take you there later."

Fang Zheng said embarrassedly: "It's too much trouble for you."

"No trouble, you are my friend." Zhou Jingnian said.

His voice was light and careless, like casual polite words, but it seemed to have a soothing magic power, which made Fang Zheng's restless heart suddenly quiet because of the possible disruption of life and work in the next few days.

Friends, Fang Zheng, who is struggling on the road of life, always introduces people around him as "this is my teacher, this is my classmate, and this is my colleague", but there is no "this is my friend".

What a wonderful set of words, my friend. Zhou Jingnian's words made Fang Zheng feel that his heart was a little swollen and sore.

    The classmates who were familiar with Fang Zheng all came to care.

Sitting in his seat, Zhou Jingnian sent a text message to Wen Yang, asking him to help buy a bicycle that can carry people, and deliver it to the school gate after school.

After school, Zhou Jingnian helped Fang Zheng to the school gate and saw Wen Yang waiting there.

Wen Yang drove here, and he didn't ask Zhou Jingnian what he wanted the bike for. After taking the bike out of the trunk, he said, "Young Master Zhou, this is the bike you wanted."

Zhou Jingnian nodded, "Thank you."

"Young Master Zhou is very polite ." Already." Wen Yang said with a smile, he glanced at Fang Zheng beside him, and the other party returned him a polite smile. Wen Yang only felt that the other party looked familiar, and his gaze stayed on the other party's handsome face for two seconds. Thinking of the rumors about Sijiu City, he knew it clearly.

Zhou Jingnian held the bicycle and carried his schoolbag in front of him. After letting Fang Zheng help him get into the car, he greeted Wen Yang and drove Fang Zheng away.

After nightfall, colleagues saw that Fang Zheng was limping and hopping, so they asked him to ask for leave and take a good rest for a few days. Fang Zheng expressed his gratitude to everyone for their concern, but he still had no plans to ask for leave. He approached the bar management to see if he could be temporarily transferred to the logistics for a few days.

Fang Zheng's drinking performance has always been good, and the management didn't have the heart to embarrass him, a part-time student, so they said it was fine and let him help at the bar for a few days without moving around much. It's just that he doesn't know how to bartend, so the basic salary will be halved.

This is already very good, Fang Zheng happily said that there is no problem at all.

After the agreement was made, Zhou Jingnian took Fang Zheng to change clothes.

Zhou Jingnian stood with his back against the wall outside the changing room, while Fang Zheng changed inside. Fang Zheng's voice came from inside: "Thank you so much today, and I specially sent someone to send a bicycle over here. It's getting late now, you should go home soon."

Zhou Jingnian said: "I basically can't understand the few questions assigned by the math teacher today."

After Fang Zheng put on his clothes, he began to take off his pants, and he said "ah" in doubt.

Zhou Jingnian said lightly: "The teaching materials in my previous school are different from those here, and my grades are not very good. I plan to hire a tutor here, but I heard from Chen An that your grades have always been in the top five in the school. Do you think this is okay? These few days I will be responsible for sending you to and from school, and you will help me review and explain to me the more difficult knowledge points."

It is false to ask for a tutor, but Zhou Jingnian's words are partly true, the teaching in Licheng and Sijiucheng The materials are very different, and the level of teaching on both sides is also different. Zhou Jingnian has read all kinds of contracts every day for decades, and he can't remember many of his high school knowledge.

After Fang Zheng changed his clothes, he jumped out leaning on the wall and said with a smile, "No need to do this, we are friends, classmates at the front and back desks, if you don't understand anything in the future, just ask me. "

Zhou Jingnian stretched out his hand to support him, and shook his head: "No, your time is too expensive, so I will feel guilty."

High school is not included in the nine-year compulsory education, and Fang Zheng's parents don't allow him to continue studying as the school can't force it. The school teacher heard that he did not agree to work in the bar at first, but was allowed after Fang Zheng made several guarantees. His situation is too special in school, so the classmates in the class usually rarely invite him to participate in any activities, worrying that he will not be able to integrate into the group if he has been away from the group for too long, and worried that rashly asking for activities will interfere with his work. Over time, all the students in the class knew that Fang Zheng would not be asked to participate in any activities unless necessary.

Fang Zheng has to be busy earning his own tuition fees, and he has to maintain such good grades to get a scholarship of several hundred yuan per semester. It is one thing for him to be smart, but it is also another thing for him to keep his hands on his textbooks during get out of class. Otherwise, with the tuition fees and grades in a mess, this is completely the opposite of Fang Zheng's hard work, and he will not let this happen to him. So besides sleeping every day, Fang Zheng is busy almost all the time. It is also true that his time is expensive.

Fang Zheng thought for a while, recalling how he felt when the other party said "You are my friend" in the afternoon, and finally nodded: "Okay, as you said." The

two went to the front, as usual, Fang Zheng came out to do his homework with his textbook, but there was an extra Zhou Jingnian today. Both of them look very good. Sitting there with slender waist and long legs, even if they are immersed in their homework, it is still a good view. The girls in the bar are eighteen or nineteen years old, and they are basically very courageous, so they don't bother them. Just staring here, blushing with excitement.

Fang Zheng spread out his textbooks and was talking to Zhou Jingnian when a young man walked by with a tray and snorted, "I really think this is my home."

Zhou Jingnian looked up at him.

Fang Zheng also glanced at the man, frowned, and said, "Don't pay attention to him, let me tell you the next question..."

After finishing his homework, there were only a few customers in the bar, Zhou Jingnian didn't want Fang Zheng to be hungry again Going to work on a full stomach, I went to a small restaurant near the bar to pack two meals and came back for dinner.

Considering Fang Zheng's economic ability, he packed cheap ingredients and meat dishes. During the meal, Fang Zheng even gave Zhou Jingnian a thumbs up, saying that the dishes he chose were all his favorites.

That night, Fang Zheng was working at the bar, and Zhou Jingnian ordered a glass of juice to occupy a seat. Fang Zheng went to the toilet twice, and Zhou Jingnian helped him there. Of course, he drank too much juice and needed to be dealt with. During the period, because it was too late, Fang Zheng hesitated again. Several times he wanted to ask Zhou Jingnian to go home quickly, and there was no need to stay up late with him.

But after thinking about it in the end, he still didn't speak.

After finishing another glass of juice, Fang Zheng handed over another glass: "Please drink."

Zhou Jing smiled young: "I feel like I don't want to drink this kind of juice anymore."

Fang Zheng laughed aloud: "I'll change to another flavor for you next time, just keep at it, and I can get off work later."

While Fang Zheng was busy with other things, Zhou Jingnian asked the young man who happened to be standing next to him Brother Zhang: "Brother Zhang, what's his name?"

Brother Zhang is a bartender at the bar, and now that there are fewer customers, he is just a little free. Zhou Jingnian sat at the bar all night, and they became familiar with each other.

Brother Zhang followed Zhou Jingnian's line of sight and replied, "Oh, that's Xie Qing." After finishing speaking, he moved closer to Zhou Jingnian and lowered his voice, "He and Fang Zheng have always had conflicts, you don't know, right? Something happened a few days ago, Fang Zheng was beaten by Xie Qingyin, and almost had an accident."

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