Daniel Park (4)

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Daniel followed Vasco and Two of them reached a place where there was no one around.

Vasco stood in front of Daniel and Took off his jacket.

"Prepare yourself"Vasco said taking off his jacket"Leaving your jacket on?"

Vasco asked but Daniel didn't understood him and Just stood there like a dumbfuck.

"You will regret it"Vasco said and He was ready to kick ass"You think this is a joke?"

"Today we will go all the way"Vasco said and he took his iconic Muay Thai posture.

"I won't forgive you"Vasco said glaring at Daniel"You are dead"

"You won't be taking anyone's advantage anymore"

"Vasco what are you saying?"

Daniel tried to calm down the situation but Vasco ignored him and threw a straight punch at him but Daniel barely dodged it.

"Vasco, I think there is some misunderstanding between us"

"Shut up!"

Vasco shouted and threw another punch at Daniel but Daniel again dodged him.

Vasco then attacked Daniel a few times with his elbow, Knee and Fists but Daniel dodged all of them.

"What is this about? What have I done wrong?"Daniel finally shouted out and Vasco just looked at him before saying.

"Right now, That lady gave you money"Vasco said"Give it to me"

This was the moment when Daniel had lost his past self and This was the moment when he began to change and He stood up for himself"I will not give it up to anyone"

"So that's how it is"

"Never, I will never ever back down"Daniel took boxing stance that Zack had thaught him before.

Both Vasco and Daniel thew punch at each other and They both were about to hit each other but Daniel dodged it but Vasco got hit and was knocked out.

Soon after Jace park ran towards them and Daniel handed Vasco to him and Ran away.

Later during the night time, Daniel ran into Vasco once again but This time in his old body.

Vasco then apologized to Daniel and Daniel understood everything and He explained it to Vasco and Vasco changed his perspective on Big Daniel.

Next few days passed like Normal, Just few nerds tried to shame Daniel but Jay came in for clutch and saved Daniel from being ashamed by giving him some of his old clothes.

And That's how the next few days passed for Daniel park in Gangbuk.

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