Chapter 50

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 She was going to the Club.....

She had lost track of her thoughts the moment Nikkie had stepped into the bedroom and began speaking of the amazing night they were going to have.

The she-wolf gleamed happily as she laid out outfit after outfit on her bed and went back and forth to her closet then returned with multiple dresses and shoes that Maddox had bought for her. Confusion filled her mind as she still did not understand what Nikiki was rambling on about.

They were going to a club. And will enjoy drinks. And dance to music from a popular DJ.

All of this was new to her. Then Nikkie reminded her of the wedding they had went to months ago. Nervously she twisited her fingers. Immediately Nikkie clarified. It was a gathering of supernaturals as their selves that socialize and enjoy the evening.

Hannah nodded. Somewhat she was satisfied with what Nikkie explained.

"Besides, we need a night of fun. You deserve a night of fun." Nikkie smiled at her and urged her towards the shower.

She did so happily as she hurried as Hannah begged her to.

After a while she finally dried off and applied lotion to her skin as she was told it was customary. 'It moisturizes the skin and keeps it smelling nice' Nikkie mentioned when they went to the mall and bought it at a Bath and body works.

It was too much that human females had to do that perplexed her some. The rituals of waxing, perfuming and wearing make-up, were a lot to learn.

She gazed into Nikkies eyes as she squealed happily when she pulled on the peach colored thin sheer blouse with white tight jeans. They were called stretch jeans. She sat and continued to listen as her hair was straightened. Soon after a soft sponge with foundation was applied to her skin.

"You honestly don't need it, but a light application wont hurt much," Nikkie murmured as she softly dabbed her chin.

She was soon instructed to close her eyes and lean her head back.

The preparations for this going to the club was tiresome but all the same intriguing.

The final step was the sparkly ointment placed on her lips called lip-gloss.

In awe, she stood before the mirror in her closet and looked at herself. The shining smile of approval on Nikkie calmed her nervousness.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Hannah." Nikkie joined her in the tall mirror.

"Now, I need a favor from you," Nikkie turned to face her.

She reached for her hands and held them as she held Hannah's gaze sternly.

"Don't mention any of this to Maddox. Maintain your mindlink in a neutral state. We are going to have a night of innocent enjoyment." Nikke held her gaze.

Mia, her wolf paced slowly.

The she-wolf, loved this sort of undertaking. Freedom. Independence.

'If you are okay with this, I will not interfere.' Mia said as she lowered down and lazily sat down.

"Maddox will never understand that we need a girls night out. To unwind. To forget our troubles and relax." Nikkie insisted.

Hannah understood this. She saw pictures and shows of this. Human females gathered and celebrated their evening with wine and conversations.

Good , clean fun...

She could do this. She smiled at Nikkie and accepted her small request. Nothing will go wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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