Chapter 7

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He was thankful that he was finally alone after a hectic day. Juggling the packs way of life and his personal problems was taking a toll on him. He was fighting to control Koda during the meeting; delegating duties to the pack members. His skin felt tight. He wanted to escape and shed his clothes, take his wolf form. He needed to run, hunt...mate.

Shaking off the last thought, he felt satisfied after the hunt for the little prey he chose in the woods for a pass time. He bored quickly with little interest left in the catch and he changed back to his human form.

He walked slowly to the large lake and stepped into the welcoming water. Submerging himself totally, he swam to clear his mind. He needed to.

He needed to distract himself from Kodas incessant need to seek out their mate. His entire body twitched from resisting his basic instinct.

Slowly standing waist deep in the water, he relaxes his muscles. At least he tries until his wolf senses prickle.
He sensed the moment she appeared. Her scent hits him hard bringing in the urge to shift and seek her out.

He turned in the direction her scent was the strongest but he could not see her. But oddly enough, he felt her.
Koda impatiently began to pace. Pushing for control and not wanting a complete stranger to see him shift, he calmly speaks.

'I know you're here.'

His words have an intended affect on her as he can hear the quick patter of her heart.

'I can feel you,' he adds.

He closes his eyes sensing and feeling the slight skiddishness and the change in her scent. The aroma, sweet with anticipation, suttle with fear and a hint of spice.....arousal.

His nostrils flare, a low satisfying growl rumbles in his chest ,he can feel his eyes change and Koda begs to take over.

Find our mate...he insists.

Although the hunt for her would be interesting, he struggles with the urge. The Alpha in him doesn't mind making her nervous. He salivates around the idea of seeing her again. He has dreamt of her every night since the last time he caught her and those doe-eyes filled with fear held his. But the low growl from Koda reminded him that his wolf did not like his mates scent, tinged with fear.

Slowly he trudges out of the water. Now on the prowl. Her alluring scent is strong and pulls at him. With every step it lures him towards the trees. The billowing breeze and all of her surrounds him. Until it changes and then it disappears.

Koda whines more urging him to continue searching for her but growls in annoyance when Maddox refuses and walks away agitated that he was bated to look for her in the first place.

But he calms his wolf, assuring him that she does have an interest in him and doesn't doubt that she will return. That satisfies Koda as he runs in circles and howls.

The thought alone bothered him. Deep down he simply couldn't deal with this. To be bound to a mate ensures a prominent future and stability in his pack. A continuation of his lineage because he would want a family. His heart raced with the thought of his mate bearing his pups. The thought has Koda's ears perked up.

His lips thinned and his fists tightened. What crummy timing for her to show up now when he was at a crucial state trying to keep his pack at bay and calm from Dantes imminent threat. Vampires. He shook his head. They were out of control.

They were in an agreement and rules were in place. Do not kill humans. True, their blood was needed for nourishment. But to kill for personal reasons or sport was forbidden. And if caught, the punishment was death. But the rate of dead bodies found drained in the last couple of months tipped the scale because two wolves from his own pack were amongst those deaths and Dante refuses to own up to it.

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