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Chapter Fourteen Kiss

After posting the preview of the live broadcast, Jiang Tang threw the optical brain aside and excitedly planned to watch Lu Rongming and the others dig potatoes.

George, who was surveying outside, found a suspected potato plant in a mountain valley not far from the north of the villa. After confirming it, Jiang Tang was overjoyed, so he temporarily decided to add the snack "croquette" to tomorrow's menu.

Speaking of potatoes, in Jiang Tang's previous life, they were the fourth most important food crop in the world after wheat, rice and corn.

Not only are there different names such as "Potatoes", "Yam Eggs", and "Potatoes" in various parts of China, but even in the world, potatoes are frequent visitors on people's tables: the French call it "underground apple"; People call it "Pear"; Russians call it "Second Bread".

All in all, it was a surprise to find potatoes on this planet.

Jiang Tang seemed to have seen mashed potatoes, croquettes, French fries, cumin potatoes, and so on, waving to him in line.

Thinking of delicious food, Jiang Tang felt motivated all over his body, he felt like he could dig 800 catties of potatoes!

Jiang Tang ran straight to George's position and went out, but he didn't know that Wen Renyuan, who was sleeping beside him, quietly opened his eyes as soon as he stepped out the door.

Wen Renyuan first looked around to make sure that everyone in the family had gone to dig that so-called "potato".

Then Wen Renyuan jumped onto Jiang Tang's bed, stretched out his sinful little short hand, and quickly hooked the light brain dropped by Jiang Tang in front of him like a thief.

Jiang Tang just finished using the optical brain, and left it at home before locking it.

Wen Renyuan kept a straight face, and clicked back and forth on the virtual keyboard with his pink and tender flesh pads, his movements were so fast that afterimages appeared.

If Jiang Tang were here, he would definitely be squatting next to Guangnao, with a serious face, and Furry, who was dealing with state affairs, was so cute that he covered his heart and yelled.

This is simply cute contrast!

Fortunately, Jiang Tang's optical brain was the same as when the Jiang family had just brought back the original body. The Jiang family bought a high-end optical brain for the young master in order to save face.

After some complicated settings, Wen Renyuan finally sent the encrypted message to his lieutenant through the special channel of the military department.

Not long after, a video call came from the palace.

I saw the little milk cat trembling its whiskers, scratching the sheets twice, and finally answered with a face of reluctance.

In the holographic image, the face of the silver-haired man gradually became clear, and he was sitting behind the desk.

"Xiaoyuan, you...poof!" The man couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw the palm-sized kitten squatting on the bed.

He really couldn't bear to tell his younger brother that with his current body shape, no matter how straight he squats and how high his head is raised, a kitten will not be majestic at all, okay?

Wen Renxi coughed and held back a smile.

"It's good that it's okay. The queen mother can't hide your disappearance earlier." Wen Renxi sighed, "The queen mother's health has been deteriorating in recent years, and there has been no news from the research institute for a long time." Little milk

✓ I rely on delicious food to rub the furries in the interstellarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora