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Chapter 33 The third furry?

The crispy lotus root has been stewed until soft and glutinous. The fragrance of the lotus root soaks into the meaty aroma of the pork ribs. Even the soup doesn't taste greasy at all.

The meat was also soft and rotten, and the teeth separated from the bones at the slightest touch.

The few people who love meat and dislike have a good time eating.

Even Lin Yucang, who was always reserved, drank an extra bowl of soup.

Jiang Tang pinched the little fox's soft front paws, and felt that it had more flesh than when he picked it up.

Jiang Tang squinted his eyes, and the achievement of feeding his own cub came to mind.

"Little Jiang, come here." Hearing Chen Yisheng calling his name from a distance, Jiang Tang got up and walked over there.

Chen Yisheng and Lu Rongming went out to investigate several natural foods these days, and finally settled on tomatoes, which are relatively simple to grow and rich in methods.

"The growth cycle only takes 30 days?" Jiang Tang's eyes widened.

In the previous life, even if the tomatoes were grown in greenhouses, the fastest growth period would take two to three months, but now it is not known whether it is due to differences in varieties or technological progress. Chen Yisheng told Jiang Tang that it only takes about a month to pick mature tomatoes.

"Twenty days or so, why are you so surprised?" Chen Yisheng had a disgusted expression on his face, "I have never seen the world to make such a fuss."

Having been with him for so many days, Jiang Tang, who had already figured out Chen Yisheng's temper, wowed and praised: "Grandpa Chen, you are too good!"

Chen Yisheng seemed to be slapped in Jiang Tang's adoring eyes, feeling Get comfortable all over.

"Old Chen has been studying natural food for many years. If it wasn't for the Emperor Star Research Institute..." "


Lu Rongming's words were interrupted by Chen Yisheng's cough, and Jiang Tang could only hear the first half of the sentence clearly.

"Fortunately, I have Grandpa Chen's help, hehe, what Grandpa Chen wants to eat at night, I'll make it for you!"

Chen Yisheng enjoyed Jiang Tang's flattery, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Let's just use the barbecued pork from last time." Last time

Jiang Tang made a honey sauce barbecued pork, and he could smell the strong flavor the next day after eating it. scent.

Jiang Tang thought that the char siu sauce he made last time was still available, so he agreed.

Only then did Chen Yisheng turn his attention back to tomato cultivation.

If they want to sell natural food, they must first ensure the source of production.

With Chen Yisheng as an expert now, most of the planting problems have been solved.

Chen Yisheng's idea is to designate a certain area to build a vegetable garden, and ensure various conditions for the growth of natural food in the garden, which can not only improve the quality, but also facilitate the collection and transportation when the time comes.

When Jiang Tang heard it, hey, isn't it just a vegetable greenhouse.

He shared with Chen Yisheng some knowledge about vegetable greenhouses he had learned in his previous life, and Chen Yisheng's eyes became brighter and excited as he listened.

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