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Chapter 38 Pippi Shrimp Let's Go

"Aquaman's meaning, cough cough..." There is obviously no "Sea King" here, which is a well-known online vocabulary before he crossed, Jiang Tang explained in a low voice, "It's a scumbag whose guiding ideology is to cast a wide net for fishing, They will row suitable partners into their own fish pond, and then have an affair with every fish in the fish pond..."

[I understand! My ex's scumbag is Aquaman! He also lied to me that the girl was his sister, I am! ]

[I rely on sisters! So did my ex! My brain is full of contact information of various younger sisters. Fortunately, I kicked him long ago~]

[Me too...]

[Everyone is a person with a story/in a daze]

[The one in front, you will not be the same Ex...]


Jiang Tang was still looking at the barrage with relish, suddenly felt that the furry eyes on his body were a bit strange, and somehow felt guilty, Jiang Tang's eyes began to wander, and he just wanted to say something else Get over this topic now.

Help! What is he guilty of? He is not Aquaman!

The climate of Desolate Star is similar to the place where Jiang Tang lived before. Although it is already autumn, the temperature during the day is still very high, and the heat does not drop slowly until nightfall.

The sea surface suddenly calmed down, without any waves, only birds that looked like seagulls flew close to the sea surface, they flew very low, occasionally touching the sea surface, breaking the mirror-like golden afterglow.

Jiang Tang walked slowly on the beach, leaving a series of crooked footprints behind him.

He wore a straw hat made of huge grass leaves on his head, and his exposed cheeks were flushed red by the setting sun, making him look extremely cute.

Jiang Tang liked the sea, so he was naturally in a very happy mood. He leaned over and asked Mao Furry for advice: "Let me sing for you~" Little did he know that Jiang Tang, who had the title of "Mai Ba" in his previous life, actually didn't wait for Mao Furry to give his advice

. No matter what the reaction was, he sang directly——

"Evening breeze blows Penghu Bay, white waves chase the beach, there is no coconut grove to decorate the setting sun, just a piece of sea blue ~"

Jiang Tang thought of an old song he had heard before, and saw him closing his eyes, shaking his head slightly, his face With a peaceful smile, coupled with the golden sandy beach under your feet, the sunset that is about to fall into the sea behind you, and the calm sea, everything is as beautiful as an oil painting.

But all of this was ruined by the song Jiang Tang sang.

You must know that there will be such a kind of person in KTV, as long as he touches the microphone, he will not put it down easily, and he will directly become Pavarotti and sing loudly, and even invite others to sing with him. No matter how high a person's musical literacy is, he will be abducted halfway by his "magic sound".

This kind of people is honored as an alternative "Maiba", and there is no doubt that Jiang Tang is one of them.

But he didn't realize it yet.

Hearing the singing of "sunshine, beach, sea waves, cactus, and an old captain~", Lin Yucang turned his gaze from Jiang Tang to Wen Renyuan with a complicated expression.

...Why didn't this person respond?

"Is there any problem?" Wen Renyuan noticed Lin Yucang's eyes.

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