Danger Force Season 3 2-Part Adventure Hints!

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Hey guys! I found online that the Danger Force Season 3 2-part adventure is going to be EPIC! Here are some hints they told us.


2.Captain Man faces his greatest fear.

3.A new and mysterious...

Okay, I know what number 2 and 3 are. 3 is a new and mysterious villain. 2 is Captain Man faces his greatest fear. The moms have been kidnapped! And we all know how Ray is with moms. I think it's kinda funny that Ray is attracted to moms. Heh heh. Anyway! But I don't know what number 1 is. Jail? Are they serious? Huh. That's interesting and peculiar. I have a feeling Officer Didi is involved. Well Danger Force did kidnap their moms and her. But still she wanted to tell their secret identities! Snitching runs in the family I guess. *Cough cough!* Mika and Miles! *Cough cough!* If the Danger Force gang DOES end up in jail, you know how people play harmonicas when they're in jail! I hope Chapa does the exact same thing! And sings too! And the others are annoyed except for Bose who is smiling and compliments Chapa's singing voice saying 'Chapa, you have a beautiful singing voice and play the harmonica really good' Chapa smiles and says 'Aww! Thank you Bosey!' Bose smiles and says 'You're welcome!' and Chapa smiles and starts to play the harmonica again until Mika gets fed up and tiny sonic screams the harmonica out of Chapa's hands. OR! Chapa and Bose would share a jail cell together and would end up telling each other how they feel. It would go like this:

Chapa and Bose are sitting on the jail bench.

Chapa:"Hey Bose, can I tell you something?"

Bose:"Sure, what's up?"

Chapa:"I know this isn't the most romantic place to tell you this nor the right time but I gotta tell you this. I like you MORE than just a friend."


Chapa:"Yeah, you're really funny and cute."

Bose:"Well I also like you more than just a friend."


Bose:"Yeah you're really beautiful and funny and smart and...beautiful."

Chapa giggles.

Bose:"Not to mention you have a REALLY cute giggle."

Chapa:"So, you really like me?"

Bose:"Yes, I do."

Chapa:"And you want us to be like...a thing?"

Bose:"I'll be your thing if you'll be my thing."

Chapa:"Well then, should we make it official?"

Bose:"Maybe we should."


Chapa and Bose scoot closer to each other, lean in, close their eyes, and kiss. Chapa and Bose put their hands on each other's cheeks. The kiss was sweet and soft, gentle like a butterfly's wings. It was a perfect first kiss. After a minute they slowly pull back with a 'Smerp'. They open their eyes and smile at each other. Chapa happily giggles.

Bose:(Smiling)"I've waited a long time for that."

Chapa happily giggles.


And the others would be in the cell next to them.

Ray, Mika, and Miles:"Oooooohhhhhhh!"

Chapa and Bose blush, embarrassed.

Oh. My. G-O-S-H! I would FAINT if that happened! Welp! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

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