King and Queen

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"Princess, everyone is waiting for you," my maid urged, her voice soft and gentle. I tore my gaze away from my infant son, Alexander, and nodded, quickly wrapping him in his royal attire before cradling him in my arms.

As we made our way towards the throne room, my guards walked in stoic silence, their grief palpable. The weight of their loss and the tragedy that had befallen our continent hung heavy in the air, as if it were a physical presence.

Today was meant to be a joyous occasion. The day I would be crowned queen of Sapin. But the recent events of the past year had marred this day. The deaths of my family, the betrayal of those we had trusted and the loss of so many lives were a heavy burden to bear.

My Brother's death, at the hands of one of the very Asuras we had worshipped, was a wound that refused to heal. I could still hear his laughter and see his smiling face, but now there was only emptiness and grief.

As we approached the throne room, I took a deep breath and composed myself, knowing that the eyes of our people were upon me. I had to be strong, for them, for Alexander, for my Brother's memory.

And for Jude.

The once-bustling hall now resembled a funeral parlor. The nobles and commoners walked with their heads down, their heavy steps echoing through the silent room. The decorations and lavish food laid out on the tables held no allure for them, and the room was shrouded in a blanket of grief.

Arthur had isolated himself, consumed by guilt for not being able to predict the Indraths' attack. He trained relentlessly to increase his strength, and Sylphiette stood by his side, worried but not discouraging him.

The loss of my Brother had been a catalyst for change in me. I had tapped into my ice magic with ease and could feel a surge of power within me. It was as if I had broken through into another realm entirely after my intense battle with Windsom.

"Presenting Her Royal Highness, Princess Kathyln of the Sapin Kingdom!" the guards bellowed, and all eyes turned to me.

I walked past familiar faces, the Helstea family, the Lances, and the Council members, all of whom looked at me with sad, forced smiles as I made my way towards the throne. It was meant to be a joyous occasion, the day I would ascend to the throne and become the queen of Sapin, but the recent tragedy had made it an event overshadowed by grief.

However, I couldn't let this atmosphere of gloom and despair continue to reign.

As I sat on the throne, my eyes scanned the defeated and mournful crowd. With a heavy heart, I carefully placed Alexander in the crib by the throne and picked up the crystal crown, placing it on my head with a determined gesture.

I couldn't help but wonder, 'What would Jude do in a situation like this? How would he inspire and uplift the people?'

In that moment, I knew what I had to do. I had to capture the attention of the crowd and invigorate them with my words, just as Jude would have done.

With a flick of my fist, I channeled the mana in the room to bend to my will, creating a palpable pressure that silenced the crowd. Their eyes widened in shock as they watched me ascend the throne and place the crystal crown upon my head.

"Today was meant to be a day of celebration," I began, projecting my voice with a commanding presence. "But instead, it has brought only sadness and grief. We have all suffered losses, and we have been betrayed by those we once trusted. But we cannot let this defeat us. We must stand together, united in our grief and our determination to move forward."

As I spoke, I could feel the energy in the room shift, a glimmer of hope and resilience beginning to flicker in the eyes of those around me. I knew that my words alone would not be enough, but I hoped to spark something within them, a determination to push forward in the face of tragedy.

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