Chapter Six

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The next day, I woke up way before Ursula came to wake me. Last night was unbelievable. It was something unexpected. Michael was the sweetest and charming guy I've ever met. I found out some things about him last night.

For instance, he's 21 years old. He's an only child. He also likes to do archery, model, and he likes to cook. I couldn't stop thinking about him and his charming ways. God, I couldn't believe he had me blushing all night. So this is what girls felt like in those sappy romance movies? I always thought that the girl was overreacting and the guy was just saying crappy pickup lines and simple gestures. I guess I was wrong. I sat there replaying the night in my head and smiling like an idiot.

"You're up early," I heard Marcella said. I looked in her direction and shook my head.

"What's got you so smiley? Or should I say who?" she said with her eyebrows raised. I rolled my eyes and placed gave her a smug smile.

"Very funny Marcella." She laughed and handed me my tea. I grabbed the cup from her hand and placed the cup in my mouth, drinking the warm liquid. "I'm sorry but it's funny how you've only meet sheikh Michael for a day and you're already developing a crush on him," she said. I shook my head rapidly and moved the expensive china away from my lips. "It's nothing like that. I just liked how he carried himself last night and his charming ways," I corrected her. She nodded and muttered an 'uh-huh'.

I rolled my eyes. "Marcella where's Ursula?" I asked her, trying to change the subject.

"Ursula is with her grandkids. She won't be here until your coronation rehearsal," Marcella told me. I nodded and sat my cup of tea down since I was done drinking it. "Well I'm going to shower so you can leave now," I told Marcella. "You just trying to get out of this Michael conversation," she said with a sneaky grin on her lips.

"Okay. Time to go," I said while hopping off my bed. I grabbed Marcella's hand and dragged her out of my room. She laughed. "C'mon Kacey I was just joking."

I shook my head. "Out Marcella,"I said. She whined and pouted her lips. "Ok what do you want an apology?" She asked me. I shook my head once again. Once she was over the threshold, I looked at her. She gave me the puppy dogs eye and pouted out her lower lip. I gave her a smile before closing my door. "That was rude," she shouted from the other side.

"I love you too."


After my shower and getting dressed, a butler came in and asked me what I wanted to eat for breakfast.

"Pancakes and sausages would be okay," I told him. He nodded and left my room. I went to my vanity mirror and braided my hair to the side. While in the process of doing this, I was interrupted by Kevin telling me I had a phone call.

"Who is it?" I asked him while still looking into the mirror. I grabbed a rubber band and tied the end of my braid so it wouldn't get loose. Kevin shrugged. "Come and see," he said with a grin on his face.

I looked at him with a skeptical look on my face. "Kacey it's just a phone call," he said. I still looked at him with the same expression on my face. Kevin grunted, grabbed my hand and he dragged me out of my room. He took me to the grand foyer where the telephone was. He grabbed the phone off the table and spoke into it.

"Here she is," he spoked into the receiver. He handed me the phone and I took it out his hand. I put the phone to my ear.


"Hey. How's my favorite little sister doing?" The male voice spoked back.

I must be hallucinating because the voice on the other end of this line couldn't be him. I didn't hear this voice in almost a year. This couldn't be --


"The one and only," he said. I could hear the smugness in his voice. I smiled. My brother was so full of himself.

"How's Miami?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "Hot weather, fine girls. Life couldn't be better," he replied. I shook my head. Men.

"Why haven't you been calling me Kareem? I missed you." I told him. I looked at my doc martens and wiped a tear that threatened to fall. I really did miss my best friend. Kevin put his hand on me and I looked up in his direction. 'Are you okay?' He mouthed to me. I nodded my head and mouthed back that I was fine.

"I'm sorry Kacey. I've just been caught up in so much," he said.

"It's fine. Are you coming to my coronation rehearsal?" I asked him while smiling with hope in my voice. I really hope he does come cause we have a lot to catch up on.

"Sadly no. I have some work that needs to be done down here. Some colleagues and I have a meeting with some men that wants to invest in my business," Kareem said. My smile faded.

My brother's business is really successful. He's actually the youngest entrepreneur in Miami right now so I understood.

"I'm sorry Kacey," he apologized once again.

"No. I understand. It's your job so no big deal," I said. I heard him sigh. "Sometimes I don't even feel like a big brother." I heard the sorrow in his voice. He left home when I was 14 so I didn't really have him around that long but he shouldn't doubt him being a good big brother towards me. His the best and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

"Don't say that Kareem. I know you have responsibilities up there in America so no big deal. But I hope you be there for my crowning," I said.

I hoped he made it to this event. It wouldn't mean anything if my entire family wasn't there with me.

"I will Kacey. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

The Bodyguard - •J.B• {BWWM} #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now