Chapter Seventy Two

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I closed my eyes for a brief moment to try to clear my head a bit. I shook my hair and fluffed it out a little.

'Get it together Kacey.'

I slowly breathed in and out. "Okay so uhm.. Once got up and ran from your hotel room, I ran onto the elevator. I was on it and I was just crying and emotional. Until I realized that I wasn't the only one on it. He spoke to me and asked me did I had a rough night and I told him I did. We were talking some more until the elevator reached a floor. It was the lobby."

"So we got off and we were walking around and talking. I was telling the the guy, who's name I found out was Rinaldo, how I felt about you. Then all of a sudden he said he left something in his car that he needed. So we walked to the car and he said he dropped it. What was weird was he asked me to get it? I hesitated for a moment before I proceeded to get it."

"Then I was pushed in and he got in the car. He locked me in and then he told me who he actually was and what he was doing."

I couldn't contain my emotions anymore so I just let the tears flow. Now that I look back and think about what I did I really feel stupid. How could I talk about my feelings and thoughts and what I was going through to a complete stranger? I'm a fucking princess for God's sake and I was in danger.

There was someone after me. But I was so worried about Justin not wanting me that I completely forgot about my safety. So me ending up in the hospital was my fault.

"Once I meet up with Trevor he was telling me how he wanted to marry me so he could become King. I was so perplexed and confused. I mean that is incest. I'm his niece. How could he do that to me? Then that's when you and PPP came to rescue me. When I was walking down the stairs, got shot, we confessed how we felt and that's when everything sort of went downhill."

I wiped my eyes and Justin repeatedly told me he was sorry. He just kept kissing my hand and telling me he was sorry. "What are you sorry for? You didn't get me here Justin. I did."

"Yes I did Kacey. Maybe if I would've just said the things that I've said in another way, you would've never confided in another person. Your head wasn't really there. You was just worried and so fixated on what I said that you weren't really thinking."

He sounds so stupid. I shook my head and climbed out of bed. I walked back and forth to try not to yell or get upset at his stupidity. "Kacey. What are you doing? Get back in bed."

"No. I'm trying to decipher how dumb you can be?"

Justin face scrunched up and he got out of his chair. "What do you mean how dumb I can be?! Kacey none of this shit was your fault. I had one fucking job and that was to protect you! Apparently I can't do that cause you are here in the fucking hospital and in a coma for two months. All because I couldn't express my love for you and I hurt you. You was just looking for some compassion and a shoulder to lean on. So don't you dare take the fucking blame for this!"

I walked over to him and seized him up. "No. Justin I'm not a child. I know what's wrong and what's right. I did this! Not you. So don't you carry this shit on your shoulders cause this is my fault. I fucked up Justin. I fucked up." I felt weak and felt that I couldn't walk. Justin caught me in his arms and I cried some more.

"Baby I'm so sorry that I made you feel like this. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Justin tried to quiet me but I just couldn't quit telling him that I was sorry. I couldn't imagine the burden that I put on him.

I felt like crap.

He picked me up bridal style and walked me over towards the chair that he was previously sitting on. He sat down and sat me in his lap. He kissed me head and told me to stop crying.

"Kacey its okay. I forgive you sweetheart. Just please stop crying."

I was shaking by this point. "Justin. Just know that the night at the hotel." I took a breath to study myself and try not to rush my words. "The night at the hotel, I meant everything that you said. Yes you told me that you don't think you're the man for me. But to me you are."

I sat up from him to look him directly in his eyes to know that the things I said and will say to him will be nothing but complete honesty.

"You do not have to be perfect. I know that with me being the Princess of Ćenàla that everyone thinks that everyone that I'm involved with has to be perfect to be with me. But they sometimes forget that I'm a regular girl. I think you forget that too." He removed a peace a hair from my face and we lightly laughed. "I'm not looking for perfect. I'm looking for real and that's you."

Justin didn't say anything after that even though I expected him too. But he stayed quiet and just stared into my eyes. I felt giddy inside. Like a warm feeling blossomed into my gut. He kissed me and held me for an extended period of time.

He finally let go and I just had to catch my breath. "What was that for?"

"For being understanding and being all mines." I gave him a smile and kissed him again.


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The Bodyguard - •J.B• {BWWM} #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now