Chapter Thirty-Five

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We were sitting down anxiously waiting for Kareem to board off the plane. I was shaking my leg and twiddling my thumbs.

'Kareem where are you?' I thought my myself. Craning my neck and standing on my tiptoes to see if I can find Kareem, I spotted him going through security. I dashed out my seat and ran to him.

I guess he heard me running because he turned around and placed his bags on the floor. "Baby girl," he said while engulfing me in a hug and spinning me around.

Finally! Finally, I could honestly say that I was happy at this moment.

"Hold up young lady. You have to wait until I'm finished checking him," a security guard told me.

"Oh my. Pardon me. I am so sorry."

The security guard told me it was okay and finished checking Kareem and his luggage.

"Kacey we told you to wait," I heard Justin say behind me.

"Kacey? As in Princess Kacey Christine Martin?" I heard someone say. I began frantically trying to figure out and search for who said that.

"Oh my god. Look mom it really is her," a teenaged girl said. That's when flashes began blaring off in my face. People started to crowd around me, trying to get my picture and asking for my autograph.

"Please stop," I asked them while placing my hand above my face. Hoping that it'll cover some of my identity. Justin grabbed my hand in the midst of choas. "Kareem!" I yelled.

"Right behind you just keep going." I heard him but I didn't see him. I just did as he told and just kept walking. Justin, Chaz, Khalil, Kareem, and I anxiously and hastily exited the airport.

As soon as I stepped outside, more flashes began flashing in my face. Paparazzi. God.

"Princess over here."

"Kacey can you tell us who are these lovely gentlemen with you?"

"Princess can you send me a smile?"

Justin picked me up bridal style and hurriedly walked to the car. The paparazzi instantly behind us. Justin placed me in the backseat and maneuvered his way around the paparazzi who were throwing questions at him.

"Excuse me who are you to the Princess?"

"Are a friend?"

"Excuse me." Justin finally made his way through them and got into the driver's seat. "Buckle up Kacey."

"I'm not a child Justin. I know what to do." Justin just blew a breath out of exaggeration and frustration.

Khalil and Chaz, who held some of Kareem's luggage, helped him put it in trunk on the Range Rover. That left me and Justin in the car. We sat in silence for a bit until my conscious keep eating away at me to apologize. "Justin I -."

"Kacey I don't want to hear it. I told you not to run away from me you could have been seriously hurt."

I looked down at my hands. "I'm sorry," I whispered. He didn't say anything back but began playing on his phone. I looked over his shoulder a bit and saw him texting someone name Hailey.

I only could see a little of what the message said.

'Missing you. When can we -.'

"Do you mind?" Justin turned slightly so that I could no longer see the message. "Sorry," I said for the third time tonight and leaned back against my seat. Chaz, Kareem, and Khalil opened the car doors and got into the truck.

"Damn papz," I heard Khalil mumbled. He slammed the door shut and buckled his seat belt.

"You okay Kacey?" Kareem asked me. I faked a smile and nodded. "Yea. I'm okay."

He gave me a concern look. "You sure."

I nodded and leaned on Kareem's chest. "I'm just glad you're here," I told him. He chuckled and I felt the vibration on his chest. "Me too. How y'all been treating my baby sister?" Kareem asked the guys.

"You know I only treat my wife like an absolute queen," Khalil said while turning in his seat to face Kareem with a smile on his face. I laughed. Khalil still thinks I like him. Kareem looked at me and then at Khalil, raising his eyebrows. "Its okay baby. Just tell your brother wassup," Khalil said.

I laughed even harder. "Kacey what is he talking about?" Kareem asked me.

"Gon' and tell him."

"Khalil shut yo ass up. Quit thinking she obsessing over you cause she not. Desperate ass," Chaz said. The smile on Khalil's face flattened and I howled in laughter. I heard a laugh from Justin too.

"Man fuck you Chaz," Khalil said while turning around. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got up from my seat. "Awwww Khalil." He was pouting with his bottom lip pocked out and his arms folded.

I kissed his cheek and tried hugging him over the seat. "Its okay." Khalil rolled his eyes. "Ion even care no more."

I sat in my seat and buckled up again, giggling. I leaned back again on Kareem's chest. "You okay Khalil?"

"Shut the fuck up Justin," Khalil said. Chaz, Kareem, and Justin laughed.


-Justin's POV-

"Man you must say far out? This is the longest drive ever," I heard Kareem say. Damn I forgot to tell him.

"Oh Kareem we are on our way to a jet to go to Barbardos because something's come up," I tried to him the best way I could. I couldn't exactly tell him what was going on with Kacey in the car. If she heard what was happening, she'll worry and get even more stressed. She doesn't need that right now so I'll have to talk to Kareem in private.

"What's going on? Is everything aight?" He asked. I gripped the steering wheel harder, shifted in my seat, and sucked in a breath of air.

"I hope but I really can't discuss this in front of Kacey so we'll talk later on the plane," I told him.

"Does it have something to do with her?"

I stayed silent for a moment and just focused on the road ahead of me. Should I lie so he doesn't worry or should I tell him the truth so he knows what's coming up?

"Kareem I can honestly say that this problem you and your family is having, I will do everything in my power to protect you, Kacey and your parents."

And that's a promise.

The Bodyguard - •J.B• {BWWM} #WATTYS2017Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora