Chapter Sixty Eight

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Mr. Martin steadied his breathing and grabbed Mrs. Martin's hand. This isn't a easy decision for anybody and I completely understood. I know I wasn't apart of of their family completely so I couldn't put in my opinion but I think they should go through with it.

I placed my hands on Mr. Martin. I silently told him that 'Everything's okay' with my eyes. He nodded his head and I gave him a small smile. He looked back at his wife. Then, he looked at Dr. Johnson.

"We'll go through with it. Just please try everything in your power to save my daughter."

Dr. Johnson got out of his chair and walked in front of Mr. and Mrs. Martin. He sat down and grabbed each of their hands. "I'll do any and everything to keep Kacey alive. I will not give up on her," Dr. Johnson looked both of them square in the eye. "I promise."

Mrs. Martin let go of Mr. Martin's hand and pulled Dr. Johnson into a hug.

"Thank you so much for putting your time and dedication on her. I know it's not easy." Mrs. Martin pulled back and took a seat back in her chair.

"Of course it isn't easy but Kacey is strong and I know she's going to make it."


Cookie, Mel, Kacey's family, Chaz, Khalil and Twist (who came as soon as I told him all about Kacey's condition and her surgery coming up) were all in the room supporting her. I was by her side holding her hand, trying to calm my nerves.

I was so jumpy. As if I was the one who was getting surgery instead of her.

"So how are you holding up Justin?" Twist came over and I gave his some dap and a bro hug. Twist looked at Kacey and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I can't ever describe the feeling of it. I miss her. I miss my baby girl so much."

"Well hopefully she'll wake up. And when she does, she'll give you the biggest hug and kiss."

I smiled at the sight of that. I can't wait to hold her. And when we overcome this obstacle I'm never letting her out of my sight. I can't afford her to get hurt and go through this again.

"Twist I had a dream that she woken up and she was okay. That dreamed hurt me because it wasn't a reality." I looked down at my shoes and shook my head. "Man she isn't supposed to be here. She's supposed to be at home with me and her family. She's supposed to be preparing her duties as queen right now. Not here at this god forsaken place."

"Look Justin I know that you blame yourself for this but this isn't your fault it was Trevor's. This is just a test of strength. You and her will get through this," Twist said. I looked back at him and gave him a small smile. "How the fuck you get so wise?"

He smiled at me and leaned towards my ear. "That weed I smoked earlier kind of got to me." We both laughed and everybody in the room looked at me. We both ended the laugh and told them sorry. The door to Kacey's room opened and there was none other than Dr. Johnson coming through. Everyone greeted him and he greeted them back.

There was a team of nurses and doctors coming in also and they went straight to Kacey. "Wait before you ladies and gentleman take her can we just pray?" Mrs. Martin asked, stopping their process. Dr. Johnson nodded and we all formed a circle around Kacey's bed. Even the team of nurses and doctors. We grabbed the person that we were next to hand.

"Okay everyone now your heads."

We all took the Queen's order.

"Dear Heavenly Father we come to you today to ask you to protect our baby girl. Cover her with your blood Lord. Not only that but give each and every single one of us the strength and patience to continue on. Give the doctors and nurses your guidance and lead them to victory. To give not only our daughter back but a friend, a sister, a princess, and a girlfriend back to all of us. In Jesus name I pray Amen."

We all lifted our heads back up and gave back a Amen.

The doctors began to wheel her IV and her bed out of the room. "Kacey I know you can't hear me but we'll be there through every step of the way," Mel said.

"We love you Kacey!" Cookie and Mel said.


One of the nurses told us to wait for Kacey in the waiting room so we grabbed a couple of things. The nurse walked us down to the waiting room.

Once we made it, Cookie, Mel and Chaz made a run to Starbucks and Subway for us.

Kareem sat next to me in a chair and took his SnapBack off of his head. He leaned into the chair and folded his hands across his stomach. "So I heard that you had a dream about Kacey," he said.

I gave him a confusing look. Who could-? Twist.

"Come on and tell me. We practically brothers now so let's get to it."

"It was so lifelike. I was on the phone with Selena and I had a couple of drinks. Next thing I know I was hearing coughing behind me and the only people in the room was your sister and I. So, I turned around and she was up. I hugged and kissed her. I told her how much I missed her. She noticed the ring I gave her and she thought it was a engagement ring but I told her it was a promise ring." I laughed at the thought of my dream. "And we just talked and laughed until she got tired. She told me to hold her while she was sleeping and I did just that."

Kareem shook my shoulder. "That does sound lifelike. But you can't let your dreams get the best of you. That dream is going to be a reality. Starting now."


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