Chapter Forty-Two

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-Justin's POV-

After the conversation with Kareem, I was taking a nap since I haven't been sleeping lately and due to the stress of work.


Jolting out of my sleep, I looked in my room to see if there was anything out of the ordinary.

I heard another object being thrown and a frustrated scream being let out. I hopped out of my bed.

It was Kacey.

I sprinted out of my room and down the hall to her room.

"Kacey open up," I banged on the door.

She didn't answer and then was a sudden eerie silence. I got frantic and began rattling the doorknob. "Kacey open the door."

She didn't respond to me so I grabbed the spare key to her room and unlocked her door. She sat there on the floor looking dazed.


"What a life huh?"

Kacey still stared at the blank space with a nonchalant look on her face.

"What a great father I have. Who gives me good advice, who cares for my well being and wants the best for his little girl. What great parents that I have," she sarcastically said.

I bent down to Kacey's level and placed a hand on her shoulder. A tear fell from her eye and she harshly wiped it away.

"Get out Justin."


"Get out!" She yelled.

"No Kacey, what's wrong with you?"

I grabbed a hold of her hand and she began thrashing around, trying to pull away from me.

"Kacey, please stop. What can I do to help you?"

"Why are you here Justin? To use me just like everyone else," she said.

I wrestled her in my arms and held her from behind, with my arms around hers.

"Kacey. Calm down. What do you mean why am I here? I'm here to protect you and make sure that you're safe," I whispered in her ear. I saw teardrops pouring out of her eyes.

I could feel the pumping of her heart, but she seemed to relax a little.

"Now I am going to let you go and you cannot through a tantrum. Understand?"

She nodded and once I let her go she collapsed on the floor, sobbing.

"Kacey sweetheart what's wrong? I can't help you if you won't tell me what happened."

I sat behind her and began to cradle her. I placed my finger under her chin so she could look at me.

Kacey licked her lips; then she looked into my eyes and then at my lips.

She leaned forward and kissed me.

- Ethan's POV - 

I closed my eyes out in frustration. I don't see why Kacey understand that I'm only trying to protect her.

"Ethan. You have to learn to let go and let her make her own choices. She's twenty. Not to mention when this whole thing is over, she's going to be crowned Queen."

I looked at everything and anything else but my wife. She doesn't seem to get me either.

"Carmen she has fallen in love. And it has not been with sheikh Michael."

I clenched my jaw and I somehow knew it was Justin. I don't want her marrying a white man.

"What's wrong with that Ethan? You know who you are acting like right now."

I looked out the window and placed my hands on the sill. Looking down, I had to calm my nerves. She better not say it.

"Don't speak-."

"Your father."

"I'm nothing like him Carmen and you know it," I growled at her.

"You better lower your voice when you're talking to me. You have already lose your son, now your daughter. Face it Ethan, you're upset because you can't control their lives," Carmen said.

"Carmen, its not like that. I just want her to choose a better man."

"You mean any other man besides a white man. Ethan, I already have an idea who she's in love with and I know you know to. So what if he's white."

"You know I can't stand my own kind."

Carmen rolled her eyes and stepped up to me grabbing my hands. She pulled me over to a couch and sat me down. Carmen sat in my lap.

"Baby remember when we were seventeen."

I massaged my temple. She was really getting on my nerves.

"Yes. I remember."

"Then you should learn from what happened to us and they to be a better parent to our kids. What happened in our relationship should be a lesson to not only you but for Kacey. Ethan your father hated me for not only being black but for me loving you."

She kissed me and I kissed back, sighing as she pulled back. She held her forehead to my forehead, looking into my eyes and me vice versa.

I could never get enough of this woman who I met twenty two years ago. I fall in love with her more and more everyday and I still do not understand why she married me.

After all that my family has put her through, yet she still has stuck by my side every step if the way. And for that, I'm truly grateful and honored for her to have accepted my proposal and became my wife.

"Ethan, please just stop with your ways and look back at all you have done to our children. Not only have you hurted them, but you've hurted me too," Carmen said.

Carmen began to cry and I held her. "Sweetheart, no. I'm so sorry."

I began placing kisses on her and wiping away her tears.

"I just don't want our children to go through what we had to go through Ethan. It was horrible and completely could have broken me. Could have broken us."

I tried to block all the bad memories from our relationships. To my mother trying to bribe Carmen $500,000 to break my heart and leave me; from my father trying to kill Kareem; to them making it seem like I cheated on Carmen, everything. I tried to block everything but it seemed like the memories came from back to back.



And with each painful memory came each painful teardrop.


Hi! *nervously waves*

For the people who don't know what Kacey and Kareem's father looks like, well he's in the multimedia.

He so fine! 😏

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