Chapter Seventy Nine

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My legs kept shaking and I felt weak. I didn't even have the energy to keep fighting with Justin. He undressed the rest of me leaving me bare.

He went over to the dresser and pulled out a nightgown.

Justin walked towards me and gently pulled me up, pulling the nightgown over me. I guess he was trying to make me forgive him.

Still wasn't working. He put me right side up on my bed and pulled the covers over me. "I'm sorry Kacey." He kissed my forehead. Justin walked out of my room but before he left he turned and looked at me.

"I love you."

I turned on my side and buried myself deeper into the covers. I heard him sigh and I heard the door being closed.

"I love you too."

-Mel's POV-

We were on the highway when I told Cookie to go through my contacts list to call Kareem.

"For what?"

"Because I need to find out hotel Ms. Thang stays at so get to calling."

I heard the speaker being cut on and ringing. After the second ring, he picked up. "Wassup."

"Aye. Where hotel is Selena staying at?"

"Why?" He dragged out. Kareem was suspecting something. "Because she left her purse."


"Honestly she did. Besides I need to get home. It's been a long and crazy night so can you please just tell me where the girl is at," I fibbed slash said honestly.

"Fine she's staying at El Sol Brilla."

"Thanks." I grabbed the phone out Cookie's hand and ended the call as quick as I could before Kareem asked more questions.

"Here we come El Sol Brilla."


We arrived to the hotel and Cookie was giving me a pep talk on not to get ghetto and harm Selena.

"Aight. But if she say something slick or out of the way all that shit you just said is going out of the window."

Walking towards the receptionist desk, there was a man sitting down with a catalog in his hands. I rang the bell that was on the desk and he looked up from his reading. I asked him for Selena's room. "She's not expecting guest at this moment," he said while flipping through the pages.

"We really need to see her."

"Sorry. No can do."

Cookie looked at me and I looked back at her. She raised her eyebrows at me. She wanted me to seduce him. No problem.

We walked towards the bathroom. "Okay, you flirt and shit while I go into the computers to get the room number."

"Deal," I said while reapplying my red lipstick. Since my hair was in a ponytail, I let it down and fluffed my hair a bit. "Push up your titties and pull down your shirt," Cookie said.

Cookie pushed up my titties with the palm of her hand and pulled down my shirt so the crest of them would show. "Cookie I'm seducing him not giving him a show."

"Pish posh. Now go," she said while shoving me out of the bathroom. I stumbled a bit while walking out but quickly regained my step. I walked back over to the receptionist and rang the bell again. This time he looked up and his breathe hitched.

"Hi, uhm.. I need your help. My uhm... car is making a weird noise can you check it out for me." I leaned over the counter so he could get a view and batted my lashes a bit. "Uhm, yea. I can help you with that."

I give him a smile and walked over to my side of the desk. While walking out of the hotel, I looked behind me and saw that Cookie was on her way to the computer. The guy and I walked to the car and he asked me to lift the hood of the car for him, I did.

He examined my car for a little before he came back up and told me everything was fine. "Are you sure?" I asked him.

Come on Cookie. What the fuck is taking so long?

He bent back down and started to tinker with some things. I looked back into the hotel and saw Cookie dangling some keys. I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. "Yea. Everything is fine."

"Thank you so much. It was probably my imagination."

"No problem ma'am."

I smiled at him and we walked back towards the hotel. He went back to his desk and Cookie and I began to walk towards the elevator before he stopped me.

"Hey. Can I get your number?"

Fuck no.


Cookie gave me a confused look but I winked at her. I walked over to him and he held out his phone to me. I grabbed it and put in my name and number. Giving it back to him, he smiled at me and I walked back over to Cookie who was already in the elevator waiting for me.

"Okay Jazmine, I'll call you later."

I waved at him and the doors to the elevator finally closed. The fake smile that I contained wiped away from my face and I pulled my dress back up. "Fake name?"

"And number."

The elevator finally opened and we were on floor 12. We walked down the hall for room 1203 and once we found it, I knocked on the door.

"Who is it? I told you I didn't want any company."

"Girl open the door," I said with an attitude. She finally opened it and a smirked spread across her face.

"Ohhh. Well lookey lookey isn't it Kacey's servants."

Before I could cock my hand back to rock her ass, Cookie grabbed my hand and placed it behind my back. "Stop," she hissed in my ear. "Look Selena we need to talk to you," Cookie said. Selena turned away from us and walked away. I took that as an invite and I grabbed Cookies hand and brought her in with me.

"About what?"

"About you supposedly being pregnant."

"I am pregnant."

I scoffed at her. "No you're not. You just said that to get Kacey upset."

"I'm not interested in upsetting your Princess. By the way tell her I'm sueing her for trying to kill me," she said while sitting down on the couch.

"You lucky I didn't get a hold of you. Whatever game you're playing. You need to chill before I go to jail for 1st degree murder," I said getting in her face. She laughed.

"This is no game. It's war."


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