Chapter Seventy Six

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-Justin's POV-

Dinner was finally finished and by that time my beautiful girlfriend and her gorilla friends were walking downstairs. Once she made it downstairs, I captured her hands in mines and kissed it. She beamed at me. "You look beautiful."


I got down from the steps and I grabbed her waist, pulling her close to me. We turned around to go to the dining room but was stopped. "Oh. Uhm, hello."

"Hello Princess Kacey Christine Martin," Selena curtsied in front of her.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mel asked her while looking her up and down. "Oh, there you are Selena. I see you meet everybody," Kareem said while walking, more like jogging, towards us.

"Well yea but I already know one of them," she said while smiling at me. I growled a bit. Selena needs to shut the fuck up.

"Oh, baby do you know her?" Kacey said in a polite way, not knowing what she was dealing with.

"Oh yes he does. In a lot of ways."

Kacey looked at me and asked me what does that means with her eyes. Her smile disappeared. I told her its doesn't mean anything and it's not what she thinks in her ear.

"What you mean in a lot of ways?" Cookie asked Selena. Cookie is so .. Ugh! Why doesn't she think before she speaks. "Why don't you-"

"Okay aime, dinner is ready," Marcella said. I thanked God for the distraction. The guards on either side of the dining room doors opened it for us.

We walked in and took our seats by whoever. Of course I sat by Kacey. Kareem sat by her, which left her in the middle. Cookie, Mel, and Selena sat across from us. There were also Cookie's boyfriend and Mel's now friend.

Xavier and Zay.

"Here are your Royals. King Ethan Martin and Queen Carmen Martin."

We all got up from our seats since it's rude for us to just still sit down and not acknowledge their presences. They greeted us all and took a seat at each foot of the table. Then we sat back down.

The chefs and his helpers came out of the kitchen with our dishes. They sat our plates in front of us along with a glass of wine. We were having Lemon Chicken Piccata and the wine was Chateau Mouton Rothschild.

"It smells amazing Pablo," my Mother said. He curtsied and told her thank you. We all gathered our hands and said Grace before we began to eat our food.

We were all silent just eating our food in an awkward silent before Cookie opened her mouth yet again. "Okay, I'm still curious. Who are you and how do you know Justin?" Cookie asked while looking at Selena. I guess she needs to know everything.

"Oh. I'm Selena and me and Justin go way back," she looked at me and smiled deviously at me. "Isn't that right Justin?"

Everyone turned towards me and I got uneasy in my seat. Swallowing a lump in my throat, feeling like the room got fifty degrees hotter. "Uhm.. Yea me and her are associates. I wouldn't say friends," I grabbed my fork and stuck some chicken into my mouth.

"How did you guess meet baby?"

Before I could say something Selena cut me off. "Wait? Are you guys together?"


I imagined myself stabbing her in the face. That night while I was in the hospital with Kacey and Selena called, Selena told me she saw Kacey on my lap and I told her we were. Why she playing stupid?

"Ooo I like your ring. Mind me asking who gave it to you?" Selena asked Kacey. Kacey looked down at her ring and then at Selena.

"Justin did," she told her.

Selena eyes widen a bit and I could see she was getting angry a bit. "Pretty isn't it?" Kareem asked.

"Very," she said through clenched teeth. Kareem looked at Selena with a confusing expression before putting more food back in his mouth.

"Someone seems salty," Xavier said. Cookie slapped Xavier in the head. He rubbed his head and pouted.

"Anywho. So where did you guys meet?" Mel asked Selena.

"Why don't you ask Justin?" Selena asked Justin.

"Fine. Justin where did you meet ha?" Mel asked me. God please let Cookie and Mel shut up. "Uhm, we meet and associated that's it. Now Mr. Martin about Kacey and I's relationship," I said, hoping to steer onto a new topic. Selena was trying to start some shit and I would not let her.

"Oh. So Justin how do you see the future with our daughter?" He asked me. Wow! More questions. What is this Do You Want To Be A Millionaire?

"Well since I plan on marrying her. I plan to just be a supportive husband and hopefully father to our kids. Besides when she becomes Queen, I don't want to take on the position of being King. I like being her bodyguard and I will like to continue to do my job," I told him. Being King sounds good and all until you actually become King.

I got too many problems as it is and I certainly don't need another one. Selena scoffed at me and rolled her eyes. "Slut," she mumbled under her breath.

"Excuse me?" Kacey asked.

"Uh-oh," Zay said while looking back and forth at Kacey and Selena.

"Oh nothing. So when do you guys plan on getting married?" She asked.

"We haven't decided yet."

"Why? Trying to lose weight to fit into your gown?" Selena put another forkful of food into her mouth. Kacey grabbed my hand and begin to shake her legs. A sign of anger.

I held her thigh in my hand and soothingly rubbed it. It took her a moment just for her to calm down but you could still see the evident look of anger in her eyes. "Watch your mouth Ms. Gomez. You will not disrespect my child. Especially in front of me," Mrs. Martin said, shooting daggers at Selena.

"No disrespect. Just wanted to know what's the hold up."

"There is none. Just mind your business," Kacey told her.

"This dinner just took a whole new turn." Zay placed more food in his mouth and begin to watch the drama unfold as if it's a TV show.

"Baby hush," I whispered into her ear.

"Justin is my business," Selena said while folding her arms across her chest.

"How so?"

"Because I'm pregnant with his child."


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