Table of Contents.

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Labeled as; NAME OF STORY PART NUMBER(#) length of story

The Apartment AU(AAU) and Multiple Part Stories(MPS) Will have part numbers examples.

AAU #1= Meaning it's the first one you should read.

MPS #A1= its the same as the RP but in reverse.

Also I'm not bothering to add back the music/photos that where removed from the top of the stories.

Weight of the World. 192
America dealing with the loss and grief of losing Canada.

Glasses. 412
America gives into the voices in his head and hate consumes.

Meetings are "Fun." 504
Two different viewpoints of the same meeting between America and Soviet during the cold war.

Ah a bet gone wrong as Britain now is forced to wear something crazy.

Fighting with Fists and Kindness?? 92
Russia and America in a fist fight but it's also kind???

Nightmares and Family. 784
Britain wakes up from a nightmare whilst visiting two of his sons. Him and America have a bit of a heart to heart to answer a question. Why?

My Personal Self Indulges! 651
I have way too much fun with my home state scaring the shit out of the Axis trio. Children of the corn MF!

Not a people person. 904
A story about NK forming a crush on Finland. That was actually supposed to be way longer but I kinda lost interest a bit so it feels really cliffhangery.

Runaway Flag! Interview with North Korea. 1,021
North Korea gets interviewed to talk about how he escaped his country and how life's been after.

I KNEW I shouldn't of left them alone! 81
Finland makes a grave mistake by leaving Denmark and Sweden home alone with each-other.

They/Them. 214
Soviet in the modern day told everyone there NB yesterday. Today is the first day living as who they truly are whilst in a meeting.

Being a Flag Sucks! 542
America complains about being a flag all while I switch povs from third person to first and fucked up by jumping from 1991 to 2020. Ah life.

Catch me if you can! 216
SovTR. The two playing a cute game of tag.

It's not what it looks like! Maybe it is. 96
SovTR. Where Soviet catches Third DOING something imbalancing.

Thanks for helping me back there. 170
North Korea saves America to keep a promise to a person lost at too young of an age.

There was never an us! 315
Soviet's and America's relationship falls apart as America confronts Soviet about his cheating.

America gets sick and tired of the British Empire's bullshit and the two engage in a battle to, possibly the death. But Once it's released all goes to hell.

Hehe skits go brrr! 167
two skits!
1 Soviet x Third.
2 Vatican with his brother.

Journal Entry #160. 88
The Japanese Empire vows to kill the Allies for what they did to her lovers.

Visitation Rights. 345
Soviet doesn't get to see his kids a lot since the divorce but he is still trying everything to give them everything when he does have them.

Cop and Bosses. 178
SovTRAme. Two mob bosses and one cop have a standoff.

The United States of America? 194
America is grappling with what he really looks like over what his Shape-shifting powers currently let him look like.

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