Chapter 1

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From the very first time you are introduced to the concept of a multiverse, or alternate realities/timelines, it is a rather easy concept to grasp. We can think of it in big ways, like there being a universe, similar to our own, where the Nazi's won WWII, or one where Kennedy was never assassinated, or maybe even one where Disney didn't fuck up the new Star Wars films. However, multiverses can also be thought of in very small ways. In fact, with the general theory, that there are infinite amounts of universes, with infinite possibilities, that would mean that there is a different universe for every single different thing that each of us decide to do in a day. For instance, there is likely a different universe out there, where you and your doppelganger are living the exact same life, and have made all of the same life choices, but you decided to wear a red shirt today, instead of a blue one. Then equally, there is likely a universe out there where your life is totally different from your doppelgangers, perhaps because you have completely different careers, or your gender or sexuality is different. The multiverse has truly infinite possibilities, and an infinite amount of stories that can be told.

That is why on Earth-623, things are largely the same as we know them to be on Earth-38, which later becomes Earth-Prime. However, in regards to the story of Supergirl/Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor, on Earth-623, there is a small difference that completely changes their story, and the story around them. This difference, for some, might seem like a small one, but for a few people, this difference has drastically altered their lives, none more so than Lena Luthor herself.


It is now late 2016, and Lena Luthor recently purchased a ticket to be abord the Venture spacecraft test flight. However, after there was an explosion, that caused the flight to fail, and both Supergirl and Superman had to save it, Lena Luthor was found to be the only one not aboard the flight at the time. So, with this knowledge, and the fact that Lena Luthor is the sister of known former Luthor Corp CEO, turned Superman hating terrorist, suspicions immediately jumped to the possibility of Lena Luthor's involvement in the Venture explosion. So, Clark Kent decides to pay Lena Luthor a visit at L-Corp, along with his cousin, Kara Danvers, to see if Lena Luthor does have any involvement in this matter by asking her a few questions. Then, at the same time, he and Kara plan to use their super vision to just have a quick check of Lena's office, to see if she's hiding anything.

Kara and Clark are now walking into Lena Luthor's office, following Lena.

"There is a perfectly good reason as to why I was not aboard the Venture yesterday." Lena says.

"Well, that's why we are here." Clark says, trying to convey a friendly tone.

"There was an emergency that I had to attend to." Lena replies.

"What sort of emergency. Do you care to give specifics?" Clark questions.

"No. Not particularly. It was a private matter." Lena says back, now taking a seat at her desk.

"That doesn't really help prove your innocence." Clark says.

Lena's assistant now finishes organising a few things on the CEO's desk, before leaving the office, meaning Kara, Lena and Clark are the only ones in there right now.

"I am no terrorist, Mr Kent." Lena says, "I am not my brother. And frankly, I don't see what the logic would be of me buying a ticket on this flight, to then blow it up. That would easily make me a prime suspect, if I was the only survivor, having not gone on the flight, if Superman had not been there to save the day."

"Supergirl was there too!" Kara says, speaking up now.

Lena now finally turns her gaze to look at Kara for the first time, green eyes meet blue.

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