Chapter 56

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For the last couple of minutes, Kara has just been continuing to hold Lena's hair behind her head as the L-Corp CEO pukes into the toilet, clearly emptying all the contents of her stomach. Right now, Lena seems to be taking a bit of a break from throwing up though, and is just resting her head on the cool seat of the toilet, something which most people do after throwing up, just wanting the cold surface of the toilet to give them some to make them feel a tiny little bit better, even if only for a brief moment.

"Mommy?" Lori now asks, with a very concerned look on her face, as she walks into Lena's bathroom.

"Oh, Lori. It's okay." Kara quickly says.

"What..... what is wrong with mommy?" Lori asks, growing even more worried, which Kara didn't think was possible.

"Mommy has just been sick, and throwing up into the toilet." Kara says, "I know it's not a nice thing, and probably makes you worry even more, but it's better out than in. Better for mommy to get the sickness out, by throwing up, even if it isn't a very pleasant experience."

Lori now bites her lip a bit and slowly walks up to Lena's side, looking at the brunette as she continues to rest her head on the toilet.

"Mommy? Are you okay?" Lori asks.

"It's...... okay..... Lori....." Lena says, "I...... just don't feel good....... Kara's right...... better out..... than in..... It's.... going to be....."

Lena doesn't get to finish her sentence though as her eyes soon grow wide, and she quickly moves her head over the toilet once more, throwing up into it. Lori witnessing Lena do this really grows a horrific look on the 3-year-old's eyes, which soon turns to tears.

"Oh Lori...." Kara says, noticing Lori's look as she holds Lena's hair behind her face once more.

Kara isn't able to say anything else to Lori though, as the 3-year-old quickly goes running out of the bathroom, crying her eyes out as she does.

"Lori!" Kara calls out.

Lori doesn't come back.

"Oh Rao." Kara says, as Lena continues to puke.

Kara now really wants to go and comfort Lori, but at the same time she knows she can't really leave Lena, at least, not until the brunette has stopped this specific puking session. Eventually though, after about another 30 seconds, which feels like hours, Lena does stop throwing up.

"There we go, Lena...." Kara says, as she rubs her girlfriend's back, affectionately, "Do you feel a bit better now?"

"No...." Lena groans, "But..... go..... see Lori..."

"Are you sure?" Kara asks, "I didn't want to leave you and deal with Lori while you were in the middle of being sick."

"I'm sure..... Lori's..... more important...." Lena says, as she rests her head on the seat of the toilet again, "She's...... the most important......"

"Okay." Kara nods, "I'll go talk with Lori, and hopefully make her feel better. If you need me, just say my name. You don't have to call out or anything. I'll hear you with my super hearing if you simply say my name."

"Okay....." Lena nods, with a groan.

Kara now leaves the bathroom, taking one last look at Lena to make sure that she's not moments away from being sick again. Then, when Kara is sure Lena isn't about to throw up once more, she now heads in the direction of Lori. To do this, Kara uses some of her super hearing to track down the 3-year-old, and she soon hears the sound of Lori crying, in the young girl's bedroom.

As Kara enters Lori's bedroom, the blonde sees Lori curled up on her bed, absolutely crying her eyes out. This sight truly breaks Kara's heart, with it hurting even worse because she knows Lori has been crying like this ever since she run out of the bathroom, and she was unable to go after her and soothe her right away.

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