Chapter 24

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This morning, Sunday, Lena and Lori have had a rather lazy start to their day, as they really don't have much to do. Usually Lena would try and fill the weekend with a bunch of activities for her and Lori to do, even if it just meant the two of them staying indoors, watching movies, playing games, or drawing or something. However, Lena didn't make any plans for Sunday specifically, because she wasn't too sure how much energy Lori would have left after going to the zoo the day before. Little did Lena know just how much of a fool she was, because of course 3-year-old's are like a bundle of energy every day. Obviously they get tired and sleepy when they have been doing a lot during the day, but after a night's sleep, they are back to their normal self, being completely recharged.

This morning specifically, Lena was woken up by Lori at 7AM, with the girl coming into her room and letting her know that she's awake, and didn't want to go back to sleep. Upon Lori saying this to her, Lena looked at the time and sort of shuddered. Lena does normally get up before 7AM, but as she is a mother, she knows she needs to conserve her energy, and try and get a sleep in on days when she can, specifically weekends. So, getting up at 7AM on a Sunday was not an ideal situation for Lena. To remedy this though, Lena simply suggested that Lori hop into bed with her, and they could snuggle for a while. Lori was more than happy to do this, and after about 5 minutes of cuddling, Lena's secret plan to get Lori to fall back to sleep worked. This lasted for another hour and a half, when Lori woke up again, and started to wiggle in Lena's arms, waking up the brunette too.

Right now, Lena and Lori have finished having their breakfasts, and getting ready and everything, and are just sitting in their living room, with Lena doing a few bits of work on her laptop, while Lori has been going around the penthouse, trying to entertain herself. However, it is clear to Lena that Lori has far too much energy for this really to be a viable thing that they will be able to do all day today. Obviously Lori wants to get out of the house, and actually do something. Admittedly, Lena does sympathise with Lori, as for most of the week Lori spends time just sitting in the playroom connected to her office, so it's really only fair that they take most of the weekend to go out and do things, even though they spent all of yesterday doing something.

"Okay Lori...." Lena eventually says, after about 30 minutes of trying to do some work, with Lori still clearly having a lot of energy, "Do you want to go out and do something today?"

Lori now quickly comes running over to Lena, jumping up on the couch and sitting next to her mommy.

"Do what, mommy?" Lori asks, in an innocent voice.

"Hmmm.... I don't know. Is there anything in particular that you would like to do?" Lena asks.

"Can we.... go out and get a baby lamb to have? I miss lamby." Lori says, with a cute pout on her face.

Upon hearing this, Lena realises that she should have known that after yesterday Lori would start asking her about getting a pet lamb or something. Obviously, Lena has no intention of getting a farmyard animal as a pet, but she is not opposed to a dog or a cat. In fact, Lena thinks having a pet like that might be good for Lori, because Lori and the pet can run around and ware each other out. However, right now, Lena really doesn't think they are in a place to actually get a pet. Lena is still being very careful about Lori's existence, still trying to hide her from the public, even though she knows that has to come to an end sooner or later. Either way, that still being the case isn't helpful if she ever needed to take a dog out for a walk or something. Then, on top of all that, Lena knows that her penthouse really doesn't have an area where a dog could go out and do its business, so a cat would be more ideal. However, Lena is well aware that some cats can just be rather moody. Lena wouldn't want to get a cat, and for the cat to be moody with Lori, and have to get rid of it, and break Lori's heart in the process, as she knows her daughter would fall in love with the cat, even if the cat didn't like her. So really, getting a pet isn't in the cards for them right now.

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