Chapter 52

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After continuing to watch Lori just sleep cuddled next to her for a few moments, Kara decides that she might as well get in a nap while Lori is sleeping, because it's not like she has been sleeping that well either. So, Kara gets out her phone, and sets a timer for an hours time, before placing it to the side, and moving herself and Lori into a position on her couch, where they are both laying down, and Kara now holding Lori firmly against her chest, with the 3-year-old burying her head right into Kara. Kara then closes her eyes, and a few moments later, she falls to sleep. It being one of the most easy times Kara has fell asleep, simply because of how much at peace Kara is in this moment. It truly feels so amazing.

Soon enough, Kara and Lori are pulled out of their sleep by the sound of Kara's alarm going off. It really did not feel like an hour went past, as Kara would have absolutely loved to lay like this with Lori, cuddled with her, all day long. But Kara knows that in reality she can't do that, because if she did, then Lori would end up sleeping all day, and likely would not go to sleep tonight, causing Lena all sorts of problems. Kara certainly does not want to do that, and get into Lena's bad graces or anything, as right now, seeing as she hasn't had a proper talk with Lena, Kara kind of feels like she's stepping on egg shells. All Kara can truly do right now, is look after Lori as good as possible, and make sure to give the 3-year-old all the affection in the world, that she can muster.

"Hello, little one." Kara smiles, as her eyes connect with Lori, "Did you have a nice nap with me?"

"Yeah." Lori nods, tiredly, and buries her head further into Kara's chest, "Want to sleep more."

"I know you do, baby, and I'd love to spend all day sleeping and cuddling with you, but I don't think that would be a good idea." Kara says, "If we sleep all day, then you won't be able to go to sleep tonight, and I don't think mommy would be happy about that."

"Hmmm..... Okay." Lori eventually says, "Can we still cuddle though?"

"Of course we can." Kara smiles, "We can continue to cuddle for as long as you want."

"Forever?" Lori asks, cutely.

Kara chuckles at Lori saying that.

"Forever is a very long timer, Lori." Kara smiles, being so touched by what Lori just said, "But as long as you want to cuddle me, I will happily cuddle you back."

"Good." Lori nods, and cuddles further into Kara's side, "I'll never not want to cuddle you."

Kara places a kiss on the top of Lori's head after the 3-year-old says this to her.

"I feel the exact same way." Kara smiles.

Kara and Lori continue to lay like this, on the couch, for the next 20 minutes, before Kara eventually decides that they need to, at least, sit up, as otherwise they do really risk falling back to sleep. As Kara repositions them in a sitting position, Lori does let out a little disappointed moan.

"Don't worry, baby." Kara says, "I'm only moving us to be sitting, rather than laying down. If we continue to lay down we will definitely fall back to sleep."

"O...kay." Lori says, in a bit of a sleepy voice, which very much shows that Kara was right to sit them back up.

Kara and Lori now sit like this, still cuddling, for the next few minutes. As they do, Kara remembers that she has her sticky buns sitting on the kitchen counter still, and thinking about those sticky buns is starting to make Kara's stomach grumble. At first, Kara ignores her stomach, just wanting to continue to hug Lori. However, Kara's stomach continues to grumble and make some loud noises. These noises end up being so loud that Lori pulls back from Kara, and looks up at the blonde with a curious look on her face.

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