Chapter 36

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It is now about an hour later, and after having had a nice breakfast of pancakes which Eliza cooked for them all, with a little help from Lori, and getting washed and dressed, Kara, Lori, Alex and Eliza have all made their way into the heart of Midvale itself to start their day. The reason that the group are starting their day here, is because they intend to pick up some flowers, which they will then lay on Jeremiah's grave, before moving onto other things, which will hopefully be much more fun, light-hearted, and entertaining. Presently though, the group have just entered a florist, where they intend to pick up the flowers which Eliza has already ordered in advance to lay on Jeremiah's gave. Of course, this is a very sad and sombre moment for all of them involved, so there have not been many smiles over the last few minutes.

Currently, Eliza and Alex are just talking to the lady who runs the florist, all while she finishes preparing their flowers for them, and Kara and Lori are just walking around the shop, having a look at all the other flowers that the store has, along with the few other things that are sold here. While Kara and Lori are walking around, the entire time Lori has been holding onto Kara's hand, not letting go for even a second. Kara thinks Lori can probably tell that she, Alex and Eliza are in sad moods right now, so the young girl just wants to comfort them, with one of the ways to do that be by holding onto their hands.

"Kara?" Lori soon says, in a soft voice.

"Yes, baby?" Kara smiles, lovingly, as she looks down at Lori.

"Can I buy some flowers too?" Lori asks, in another cute voice.

Kara grows a bit of a surprised look on her face at Lori asking her that, but she soon realises that she probably shouldn't be surprised, because of course Lori was going to ask her something as cute, and thoughtful as that.

"Uhhmmm..... Yeah, okay." Kara nods, "You don't have to though. You didn't know Jeremiah. You don't need to get flowers for his grave, just because Eliza, Alex and I are."

"I know, but I want to." Lori says, with a cute little nod of her head, "You cared about him. That means I care too! 'Cause I care about all of you!"

Kara feels her heart literally flutter at Lori saying that, something so utterly amazing.

"I love you, Lori." Kara says.

"Love you too!" Lori replies, with a big smile, and hugs Kara around her legs.

Kara rubs Lori's back as the 3-year-old hugs her like this, with them soon parting from their hug.

"Okay. Let's have a look and see what flowers you want to pick out for Jeremiah." Kara says.

"Okay." Lori nods, happily.

Kara and Lori then spend the next few moments having a look around the store, seeing what flowers Lori would like to pick out. During this time, Lori does ask Kara questions, curious about what flowers she thinks Jeremiah would like. Kara, for her part, just informs Lori that he would like any flowers that she chooses, as all flowers are pretty. This puts a big happy smile on her face, with Lori eventually choosing a bouquet of white tulips.

"Are you happy with those, Lori?" Kara asks, with a smile.

"Yeah." Lori replies, with a nod of her head.

"Okay. Let's take them to the counter, and we can go buy them." Kara says, "It looks like Alex and Eliza are just finishing up getting their flowers."

"Okay." Lori nods.

Kara and Lori now begin to walk towards the till, but Lori soon grows an unsure look on her face, just as they near the till itself.

"Kara?" Lori says, in a soft, cute, voice.

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