Chapter 5

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It is now the following day, and Kara wakes up in her apartment, and as she does she finds her hearing honing in on someone's heartbeat. Kara doesn't know whose heartbeat it is at first, because it is not one that she has memorised, like she has for Eliza and Alex. However, after a few seconds, Kara decides to just listen in to the sounds around the heartbeat, and that is when she finds out whose it is.

"Mommy?" Lori says, as she approaches Lena, who is still sleeping on the couch.

Lena simply grumbles at Lori saying that, not fully awake yet.

"Mommy." Lori says again, as she shakes Lena this time.

Lena now opens her eyes, and looks straight at Lori, and as she does she lets out a groan, because she has a pounding headache, as she is majorly hungover.

"Ooowwww." Lena groans.

"Mommy..... are you okay?" Lori asks.

"Yes...... yes.... I'm fine." Lena says, as she tries to gather herself.

"Mommy..... why are you sleeping on the couch?" Lori asks, in a confused and curious voice.

"I uhh....... I was too tired to make it up to my bed." Lena says.

Lori now grows another confused look on her face.

"But.... didn't you put me to bed, and tuck me in?" Lori asks.

"No I uhh....." Lena begins, and that is when she realises that Kara must have come home with them last night and put Lori to bed and everything, Lena's night is a bit of a blur and she really doesn't remember much of it, other than a few images, "No..... Kara came back with us, I think. She must have put you to bed."

"Oh.... is that why I'm not in my pyjamas?" Lori asks.

"Probably." Lena nods, as she rubs her eyes, and tries to avoid looking at the sunlight which is flooding into her penthouse right now.

"Mommy.... are you okay? You don't look okay." Lori says.

"I'm fine, darling." Lena says, "I.... just have a bit of a headache, and the sun is hurting my eyes because of it."

"Oh... bad sun." Lori says, with a pout, as she looks out at the sun coming into through the balcony.

Lena's heart clenches a bit at Lori being so cute like that.

"Thank you, Lori." Lena smiles.

"Can I kiss it better?" Lori asks.

Lena lets out a little chuckle at Lori asking her this, but knowing what the 3-year-old means, so she just lowers her head to Lori's height, and the little girl places a kiss on her forehead.

"There. I kissed it better." Lori smiles.

"Yes. I'm feeling better already." Lena lies, forcing a smile.

Lori just smiles at Lena proudly.

"Now, I presume you woke up and want some breakfast?" Lena asks.

"Yes." Lori nods.

"Have you gone potty already this morning?" Lena asks.

"Yes. I went potty." Lori replies.

"Good girl." Lena smiles, "Let's get you some breakfast then."

Lena then slowly gets up from the couch, and makes her way into the kitchen, along with Lori, trying her best to hide her massive hangover from her daughter. Lena just wants to get some food and water into her body as soon as possible to help.

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