Chapter 7

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About 15 minutes after Kara and Lori sit down to watch some TV, there is a knock at Kara's apartment door, meaning that Alex has finally arrived. Upon hearing the knock, Kara very much notices how Lori flinches next to her, still cuddled to her side. Kara can tell the 3-year-old is still scared.

"It's alright, Lori. It's just Alex." Kara says, as she strokes Lori's side, "Do you want to come with me to open the door?"

Lori shakes her head no at Kara asking that.

"Alright then. You stay here." Kara smiles.

Kara then moves Lori away from her, and stands up from the couch, making her way over to her front door. As Kara does this, she notices Lori just looking over the back of the couch, with only part of her head peaking over. Kara doesn't say anything about it, and just opens the door, revealing Alex.

"Hi Alex." Kara smiles.

"Hi Kara." Alex says, as she steps into the apartment with a purpose in her walk, "I really need to talk to you about...."

Alex then pauses as she notices Lori peaking her head over the couch, looking at her. Alex and Lori connect eyes, and as a result of this, Lori quickly hides behind the couch, clearly a bit frightened.

"What is....." Alex begins, as she turns back to look at Kara, "What... is going on?"

"Didn't you get my text?" Kara asks.

"Oh shi..... I mean....... shoot. I saw you texted me just as I was getting into the shower, but I didn't read it. Then I completely forgot about it." Alex says.

"Oh, well, Lena has to deal with some issues in a lab at L-Corp, and she couldn't bring Lori with her, so she asked me to watch her for the day." Kara says, "I was just saying that Lori will be with us, and I thought that we could all go out to a park together, as Lori is a little shy, and the open air might make her feel more relaxed."

"Oh..... okay..." Alex says, "But..... I really need to speak to you about something Kara. I've been trying to this past week, but we keep getting interrupted."

"Sure." Kara nods, "We can talk in the park. We can find a playground and watch Lori play as we talk."

"Yeah, alright." Alex nods.

"Good. Now, how about I introduce you both?" Kara suggests.

"Sure." Alex says, with a smile.

Kara and Alex now walk over to the living room area of Kara's apartment, where Lori is still kind of hiding on the couch.

"Lori?" Kara says, in a soft voice, as she takes a seat next to the young girl, who has her head buried into the couch.

Lori now slightly shifts towards Kara, and slowly lifts her head up, looking at the blonde.

"Hey." Kara smiles, "I'd like you to meet my sister. I promise she's not as scary as she seems. She's a big softy."

Lori now bites her lip nervously for a few seconds, as she looks at Kara, before slowly turning to look at Alex, who is just standing there.

"Hello Lori." Alex says, with a smile, "It's very nice to meet you."

"H.... hello." Lori says, in a timid voice.

"Hi." Alex smiles, now crouching down, to make herself seem like she isn't towering over Lori, "You're Lori, right?"

Lori simply nods her head, while moving slightly closer to Kara.

"Well, I think that's a very pretty name." Alex says, with another smile, "Kara tells me that we are all going to go to the park together. Would you like to do that?"

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