Chapter 33

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Kara and Lori spend only a few hours in Kara's apartment waiting for Alex. To fill this time, Lori 'helps' Kara to pack her bag for their weekend in Midvale. Then, after Kara finished packing, and had everything she needs, the two just sat down on Kara's couch, and watched a random movie, cuddled up together, with Kara smiling, being so happy that she gets to take Lori to Midvale with her, and show her everything. Kara is so honoured that Lena trusts her this much to do this. The only thing that could have made this weekend better, is if Lena was actually going to go up to Midvale with them. However, Kara knows that it will only be a matter of time before she brings Lena up to Midvale, as she really has a good feeling about her relationship with Lena, and where it's going, even if there is a Supergirl shaped problem yet to be addressed in their relationship. Kara just hopes that everything will be okay with that, and she gets a chance to tell Lena as soon as possible, hopefully sometime next week. Kara doesn't want to continue to try and find excuses not to tell Lena.

Eventually, after a couple of hours, Kara and Lori get their attention drawn to Kara's apartment door, after there is a knock at it. Clearly it is Alex arriving, with them all about to start their 3ish hour car trip to Midvale. So, Kara goes to open her apartment door, with Lori following her closely behind, and soon reveals Alex.

"Hey, Alex." Kara smiles.

"Hi, Kar. Hey Lori." Alex smiles, as she looks down at the 3-year-old.

"Hello." Lori smiles, and walks up to Alex, wrapping her arms around Alex's legs.

Alex's heart melts at Lori doing this, and she soon crouches down, and takes Lori in for a proper hug.

"Hmmm.... This is nice." Alex smiles, "Are you excited to come to Midvale with Kara and I this weekend?"

"Yeah." Lori nods, "I helped Kara pack her bag!"

"Oh, that's good. I bet you made sure Kara didn't forget anything, as she sometimes does that." Alex says.

Lori just happily giggles at Alex saying that, and a few moments later, Alex and Lori part from their hug.

"Okay then. Are we all ready to go now?" Kara asks, with a smile.

"Yep. I just need to use your toilet before we go, but after I'm ready." Alex replies.

"Okay." Kara nods, "Lori, do you need to go potty before we go, as we are going to be in the car for a while before we find somewhere to stop to go potty again."

"Uhmmm.... Yeah.... I need to go." Lori nods, and then looks at Alex, "Can you take me?"

"Of course I can, Lori. Come on." Alex smiles, lovingly, as she reaches out for Lori to take her hand.

Lori then proceeds to take Alex's hand, and the two head off to Kara's bathroom. Upon seeing this sight, Kara really grows a happy feeling in her chest, thinking about how well Lori and Alex are getting on, and thinking that maybe, in the future, Alex really would be an amazing loving aunt to Lori, but that's way in the future. Kara doesn't want to get too carried away right now. While Kara waits for Alex and Lori to return from the bathroom, she simply gathers her bag of clothes, along with Lori's bag of clothes, and the 3-year-old's car seat, and puts them near her front door. Kara certainly doesn't want to forget anything, not that it would really be much of a problem. After all, if they do forget something, Kara could just get Alex and Eliza to distract Lori for a few moments, while she flies back to National City quickly to grab whatever they have forgotten. Kara doesn't really want to have to do that though, as she wants to spend as much time with Lori in Midvale as possible, as she sees this weekend as being a real opportunity for further bonding with Lori, because Midvale just means so much to her.

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