Chapter 41

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Kara, Alex and Lori have now arrived back to Eliza's home, along with the 6 puppies. Honestly, Kara has no idea what they are going to do with them, all she knew is that they couldn't just leave the puppies out there, as they would like die, seeing as their mom is dead. Then, from the look of the mommy dog, it didn't seem like she was someone's house dog that had got out or anything. She was too dirty to have been anyone's dog, at least anyone's dog over the last few months. Therefore, the only, and right thing to do, was to bring the puppies back home with them, where they can be warm, have some food, and just be safe.

"You are back!" Eliza calls out, as soon as she hears the front door close, not being anywhere in sight of Kara, Lori or Alex, "I'm literally just starting to make dinner."

Kara and Alex now glance at each other, unsure how Eliza is going to take them bringing home 6 puppies. Alex and Kara are pretty sure Eliza isn't going to be mad or anything, as their mom is such a loving and caring person. However, Kara and Alex also know that growing up, as teenagers, they did ask Eliza if they could get a dog, but every time Eliza said no, claiming that it wouldn't be fair as the two of them would only live with the dog for a few years before going off to college/university and then starting their own lives living elsewhere, while she, Eliza, would be living with the dog most of the time, and was unsure if she would have the time to properly take care of it. Either way, Kara and Alex know there really isn't much they can do about things now, it's not like they were going to leave the puppies to starve, or freeze to death.

"Uhhh...... mom..... Can you come here for a moment?" Alex soon calls out.

"Okay." Eliza calls back.

Alex, Kara and Lori all now stand there, with Lori holding one puppy, Alex holding 3 puppies, and Kara holding two of them, now waiting for Eliza to walk over to them and see them. Soon enough, this happens, and Eliza grows a very wide look on her face.

"I...... where did they come from?" Eliza asks, in a surprised voice.

"Look 'liza! Look at this puppy!" Lori says, with a wide smile, as she holds the puppy up in her arms, wanting to show Eliza.

"Oh..... I.... see that....." Eliza says, in an unsure voice, "Where..... why do you have these puppies?"

"We found them, in the woods, as we were walking around the lake." Kara explains.

"Yes! We found this one first! He climbed into my lap, and cuddled with me! I love him!" Lori says, as she now moves the puppy back into her arms, and cuddles him.

"Careful, Lori, remember, he's a little puppy, meaning he's very fragile, and can be hurt easily, even when you don't mean to do it." Alex says.

"Oh.... okay..... I don't want to hurt him." Lori says, and releases the puppy from the hug, and just carefully holds him in her arms.

"Uhhh...... okay...... we need to get these puppies warm, and make sure they are fed and everything. And..... seeing as we probably can't do anything about them tonight, we need to find some sort of enclosure for them. I don't want them running around the house, and peeing everywhere." Eliza says.

"Yeah." Kara nods, "Maybe we can set something up in the kitchen? Do you still have some of that metal fencing stuff in your garden shed?"

"Oh.... yes.... I believe I do!" Eliza says, "That would make perfect fencing for these little ones. I can grab some old blankets too, for them to lay on, so they don't get cold on the kitchen floor."

"Okay." Kara nods, "Can you take these ones, please, Eliza? I'll go get the fencing..... and something else."

"Of course, sweetie." Eliza says, as she takes the puppies from Kara, "Alex, Lori, let' take these little ones into the kitchen. We don't want them accidentally peeing or pooing in your arms."

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