Chapter 12

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It is now Friday, the day after Kara had lunch with Lena and Lori, and a few things happened, including Lori telling Kara about Lena saying her name while Lena was 'sleeping', and also the fact that as Kara was quickly trying to leave the lunch, to do her Supergirl stuff, she accidentally just kissed Lena, after kissing Lori. Then, on top of all that, not only did Kara kiss Lena, the kiss was very close to Lena's lips. Kara is pretty sure that the corner of their lips must have touched. Kara has never even been one to kiss people, or her friends, as a way to say goodbye when leaving, so she knows this was very strange for her to do, and it's honestly freaking her out.

Throughout all of today, Kara has constantly been replaying her interaction with Lena, when she was leaving lunch yesterday, in her head. Kara has been wondering if maybe Lena is now freaked out by what she did, or Lena is annoyed by it or something. Kara knows that she could just text Lena, and check to make sure everything is okay with them, and she didn't make Lena feel uncomfortable, and even apologise and just say it was in the heat of the moment of having to rush off quickly, but Kara is kind of too afraid to send that text, just in case she gets a response she doesn't want.

It truly has been painstaking for Kara all day today, as she thinks about the sort of kiss. Yesterday, after leaving the restaurant, Kara didn't really have much of a chance to think about the kiss, because she quickly had to put her mind in Supergirl mode after she realised what she did. Kara then just had to keep her mind in this mode for several hours while she dealt with a few things as Supergirl, and by the time she got home, she was just too exhausted to do anything other than go straight to bed. However, now, today, ever since Kara has woken up, her mind has been replaying the kiss in her hed the entire time, and the more Kara thinks about it, the more unclear the interaction becomes. It all began as soon as Kara woke up this morning, and she thought of the kiss, and this continued all the way until she got to CatCo, and has gone on throughout her entire day.

The more Kara has thought about her kiss with Lena, the more she is unsure actually what happened, as is what happens with memories the more you think about them, they just become unclear over time. But now, as Kara has thought about the moment so much, she is starting to worry that maybe she didn't just slightly kiss Lena on the corner of her mouth. Kara started to worry that maybe she had a bit more of lip-on-lip contact than she previously believed. Then, as Kara has continued to think on it, she is now worried that maybe she actually just full-on kissed Lena on the lips. Kara knows if that is the case, she might be in for a world of trouble.

The problem for Kara isn't that she regrets kissing Lena, because she doesn't want to kiss Lena. In fact, kissing Lena sounds like something pretty nice on Kara's side of things. The problem truly comes from Lena's side. Even with what Lori told her, Kara doesn't know if Lena wanted her to kiss her or not, and Kara certainly doesn't want to be the type of person that does something like that without permission, and makes the other person feel awkward, or on the bad side of things, violated. Then, even if Kara were just to put that aspect of it to the side for the moment, the action in of itself is incredibly awkward, and Kara honestly doesn't know how she is going to face Lena, as she is so embarrassed that she even did it in the first place as she was rushing out there. Even though Lori told her about Lena moaning her name, clearly while masturbating, that doesn't make things easier for Kara, even if a part of her does think that maybe Lena wants her to kiss her. In reality, Kara knowing that Lena has potentially moaned her name while pleasuring herself just makes the accidental kiss ten times worse for Kara. She is truly more embarrassed than she has ever been in her life, and in Kara's life she has done some pretty embarrassing things, especially after just arriving on Earth and not knowing certain things about the planets culture or people, which other normal humans do.

For Lena's side of things, ever since Kara kissed her like that yesterday, she also has been running everything through her head, figuring out what it possibly means. Of course, Lena's first thought is that Kara must have just done it by mistake, as surely someone as wonderful as Kara wouldn't be interested in her. Then, at the same time, Lena thinks that maybe that is just Kara's way of saying goodbye to people, kissing them on the cheek like that, and they have only just got there in their friendship. Either way, Lena really hasn't been able to stop thinking about the slight kiss she and Kara had, and admittedly she also had some more sexual thoughts about Kara kissing her the night before, replaying the moment over and over again in her head.

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