Chapter 4

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After hearing Kara say 'whoa' upon seeing her step in the room for the first time, dressed in her dress, Lena can't help but blush, and feel her heart do a little flutter. Lena thinks that that is a new feeling that she hasn't felt ever before. However, Lena knows she doesn't have time to explore whatever she is feeling right now.

"Thank you." Lena says, with a smile, once she regains some of her composure.

"You're welcome." Kara smiles back.

"You look really pretty mommy." Lori says, in her cute voice, as she continues to eat her food.

"Thank you, darling." Lena smiles, "I see the two of you have got started on your food."

"Yes! Kara got me chicken nuggies!" Lori says, excitedly, as she holds up one of the chicken nuggets to show Lena.

"Oh, wow. Did you say thank you to Kara?" Lena asks, with a raised eyebrow.

Lori now turns to look at Kara, and swallows the food in her mouth.

"Thank you for the chicken nuggies, Kara." Lori says.

"And buying you dinner." Lena says.

"And buying me dinner." Lori repeats.

"You are very welcome, honey." Kara smiles, "I'm glad you are enjoying it."

Lori just continues to smile widely at Kara.

"Well, I have to say, I'm a bit jealous that the two of you are having burgers and chicken nuggets." Lena says, "I won't be entertained with anywhere near as nice food at the gala."

"I got you a burger as well, if you want." Kara says.

"Oh my god. You are amazing!" Lena says.

Lena then quickly moves over to the area where Kara and Lori are sitting, with Kara then showing Lena the burgers that she has for her. Lena, for her part, doesn't seem to care what type of burger she is going to eat, and just grabs one before Kara can even describe what they are.

"I'm going to have to eat this quick, so sorry if I look like a pig." Lena says.

Lena then unwarps the burger, and quickly begins to eat it, letting out a moan as she takes her first bit. Kara can't help but feel like that moan does something for her, but she can't really place what it is.

"Mommy is silly." Lori soon says.

"Mommy is just hungry." Lena says, "I haven't had a chance to eat much today, and I was worried I would have to go to my party and not be able to eat anything, while also drinking. That is a recipe for disaster."

Lori now grows a confused look on her face.

"I don't understand. How does drinking and not eat anything be a disaster?" Lori asks.

"Oh, I uhmmm...." Lena begins, but before she can finish, her office door opens, with Jess appearing.

"Sorry to interrupt, Miss Luthor, but there are some issues with the gala that really need your urgent attention." Lena says.

Lena sighs at Jess saying that, and takes one more mouthful of her burger, before putting the half of it she hasn't been able to eat back on the table.

"No rest for the wicked." Lena says, "I'll be with you in one second, Jess. Let me just get Lori and Kara set up."

"Yes, Miss Luthor." Jess nods, and closes the door behind her.

Lena now walks over to Kara and Lori.

"I have to go now, darling." Lena says to Lori, "Will you be okay staying with Kara for a while? I promise, I'll just be downstairs the whole time. I won't be far from you."

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