Chapter 55

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It is now lunch time the following day, and Kara is just heading up to Lena's office at L-Corp, after picking them up some sandwiches which they all can have together for lunch. Kara, for her part, has really been counting down the hours until she can spend more time with Lena and Lori, as the blonde absolutely hates being apart from the two, and frankly, due to Lena not letting her see Lori for a few days, and putting everything up in the air in regards to their relationship, Kara frankly has grown a little anxiety about it all. A part of Kara has just been worried that Lena will change her mind again, and decide that she is not okay with Kara being Supergirl, and the whole keeping it a secret and everything, and therefore not let Kara see Lori anymore, while also completely ending her relationship with Kara too. However, Kara knows that's just her anxiety talking. She simply needs to take everyone one step at a time, and always respect whatever feelings Lena is feeling about everything. Right now all Kara can do is have lunch with her two favourite people, and enjoy the 50ish minutes that she gets to spend with Lena and Lori today.

Kara soon steps out of the elevator onto the floor where Lena's office is located, and as she does, right away, Kara can tell that something is wrong, because Jess is not at her desk. Even though it is Lena's lunch hour at the moment, Jess is usually at her desk for the first 15 minutes of Lena's lunch hour, just so she can deal with ordering in any food for Lena or something, with the assistant then coming back from her own lunch hour about 15 minutes after Lena's has ended. However, today, Jess is not at her desk at all, and Kara has checked the time, it has only been a couple of minutes since Lena's lunch hour has started, so Jess really should be at her desk.

Kara soon makes her way into Lena's office itself, knocking on the door first, before opening it. Once Kara opens the door, she sees the surprising sight of Lena lying on her couch in her office, with a blanket over her, with Lori nowhere to be seen. At the same time, Kara can tell that something must be wrong with Lena, because all the color has gone from Lena's face. The brunette looks absolutely awful.

Kara now carefully walks over to Lena on the couch, placing the bag of food down onto the coffee table next to the couch Lena is laying on. As Kara does this, she activates her super hearing and right away she knows that Lori is in her playroom, which Kara is relieved by. For a moment Kara was scared that someone had done this to Lena and taken Lori or something, and Jess got caught up in the middle of it, hence why she is not at her desk.

"Lena?" Kara soon says, in a soft voice.

Lena doesn't respond, she just continues to lay there, with her eyes closed.

"Lena?" Kara says, in another soft voice, this time crouching down in front of Lena and placing a hand on Lena's side in an attempt to wake her.

After a few moments, Lena lets out a little groan. Right away, from the sound of the groan, Kara can tell it's not a happy noise.

"Lena, are you okay?" Kara asks.

Lena now groans again, but finally opens her eyes and looks at Kara. From looking in Lena's eyes Kara can tell that Lena is not feeling well at all.

"Kara...." Lena says, in a raspy voice, "What... why are you here?"

"It's lunch time. We were supposed to have lunch today." Kara says.

"It's... lunch time already?" Lena asks.

"Yeah, what time did you think it was?" Kara asks.

"I.... I went to lay down and close my eyes at..... 10..... Jess said she'd wake me before my next meeting at 10:45." Lena explains.

"Well, Jess isn't at her desk at the moment. Perhaps she thought you needed the extra rest Lena. I don't mean to be rude, but you don't look in a good way." Kara says.

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