Chapter 3

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It is now a few days later, and over the last few days Kara has published her article on the interview she had with Lena. Lena, of course, has read this article, and she was so impressed with it. Not only did the article do a good job at presenting all the good that she is trying to do with L-Corp, and how she wishes to change it from its past actions, but the article also presented her as a person too. Lena has read many an article which has just presented her as Lex Luthor's little sister, who doesn't know what she is doing, or is just like Lex, or something along that line, but not Kara's article. Kara's article just laid out everything that she told Kara she wants to do in the interview, and didn't even mention Lex Luthor once. Then, on top of everything, the article even mentioned that she favours a dark purple as her favourite colour, meaning that Kara actually used Lori's question for her article, which really touched Lena's heart. Kara could have not used Lori's question at all, and that would have been perfectly fine. Kara already was amazing with Lori, in placating her and everything, allowing her to ask a question, and letting the girl sit next to her, and as a result not audio recorded the interview. So, with Kara putting Lori's question in, on top of everything she had already done, Lena was very impressed. It was the cherry on top of the ice cream that is Kara's article about her. In fact, the article was so good Lena made sure to send Kara's office some flowers as a thank you.

Presently, once more, Lena is in her office, doing some work, while Lori is in her playroom next door, occupying herself with some toys she has in there. Lena now has a system where she keeps the door to Lori's playroom, connected to her office, open, however, if she needs to, in short notice, there is a button under her desk which shuts the door, meaning that Lori can be kept out of sight if anyone comes barging into her office. Thankfully though, Jess is very good at catching anyone that tries to go into her office, and L-Corp has some top security to make sure that random people, or people without appointments, don't just come walking into the building.

Of course, Lena would prefer not to just shove Lori in a playroom all day, and she does try and go in there and play with Lori, but that really is all she can do right now. Lillian still will not be joining them in National City for another month or so, so Lena doesn't really have anyone else who she trusts to watch Lori for the day. Lena has considered starting up a day care for children of employees at L-Corp, as that way Lori can just be lost as being a child of some random person at L-Corp. However, Lena knows that starting up said day care will require a lot of work, and it's not something that she wants to hand off to anyone else to do, as it will involve her daughter's care. So, that is just something that Lena will get to once she has got through a bunch of other work things that need to be done.

"Miss Luthor?" Lena's intercom says.

"Yes, Jess?" Lena replies.

"Kara Danvers is downstairs in security, and she is asking to see you." Jess says.

"Tell security to send her up." Lena replies.

"Okay." Jess replies.

Lena then makes sure to make herself presentable, and thinks about shutting Lori's playroom door, but Kara already knows about Lori, and Lori seems to like Kara. So, Lena decides against shutting the door.

A few minutes later, Kara comes rushing into Lena's office, looking a bit frazzled.

"Miss Luthor.....I swear.... I blinked and she got right past me. She's really fast." Jess says, coming into the office behind Kara.

"I'm sorry Lena. This is my fault." Kara says.

"Jess, can you make a note downstairs that Kara Danvers is to be shown in to see me right away, whenever possible." Lena says.

"Yes, Miss Luthor." Jess nods, and then leaves the office.

"Really?" Kara says, in a surprised voice.

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