Chapter 20

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It is now a few hours later, and Kara is in the middle of her friendsgiving that she is hosting at her apartment. The people present include aside from Kara, are Alex, Winn, James and J'onn. They all are just basically eating some thanksgiving food, which usually would be leftovers, but there were no leftovers from Kara's thanksgiving yesterday, as the blonde ate much of it. On top of this the group of friends are also playing some more Mario Kart together, drinking alcohol, and intend to play some board games later, like they would usually do on one of their regular game nights. Despite the fact that usually on an occasion like this Kara would be having a really good time, she can't help but feel a bit dejected. Kara simply feels dejected because she misses Lena and Lori, and as much as she loves her friends, she would much rather be spending this afternoon and evening with Lena and Lori. So, Kara has basically spent most of this afternoon looking forward to tomorrow, where she, Eliza, Lori and Lena will be going to the petting zoo Lena has booked. Kara did also ask Alex, but she like she thought, Alex is actually working tomorrow, so is unable to go. Eliza is certainly coming though, and after Kara called her to ask, her adoptive mother seemed very excited to get to spend more time with both Lena and Lori. Kara is pretty sure what she said to Lena the other day is already becoming true. Eliza is taking Lori as her granddaughter already, which kind of makes Kara feel a bit like the stereotypical U-Haul lesbian, even though she and Lena haven't gone on a date yet.

During this evening and afternoon Kara has also noticed that Alex has been a bit quiet, which is unlike her sister. Kara, of course, knows her reasons for being a bit dejected, and basically allowing the boys to be the ones doing most of the talking and everything, but she doesn't know what is exactly bothering her sister. So, when Alex gets up from the couch to head into the kitchen to get herself some more scotch, Kara decides to follow her, so she can ask Alex what's wrong.

"Alex, is everything okay?" Kara asks, with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah...." Alex says, with a sigh, very much signalling that everything isn't okay.

"Come on, Alex, talk to me." Kara says, "Did you and Eliza get in a fight or something?"

Kara asks this because she knows that last night, and up until Sunday afternoon, Eliza will be staying with Alex, before heading back to Midvale. Right now, as Kara and Alex are having their game night with their friends, Eliza is actually out, catching up with some of her own friends in National City. This has become a traditional thing that Eliza does everything thanksgiving. Eliza comes down to National City to spend the weekend, and then takes some of the time during that weekend to see her friends, who she doesn't get to see often as she lives a few hours away in Midvale.

"No. It's nothing like that." Alex replies.

"Then, what's up, Alex?" Kara asks, "You can talk to me about anything."

Alex now sighs, and looks into Kara's eyes, clearly making a decision if she wants to tell her sister what is bothering her or not.

"I went to have breakfast with Maggie this morning." Alex says.

"Oh..... okay.... and... did something bad happen?" Kara asks, knowing that the last time her sister saw Maggie was when Maggie told Alex she didn't want to be with her.

"Yes, and no." Alex says.

"What does that mean?" Kara asks.

Alex sighs, once more.

"It means that, I went because Maggie asked me to. She told me that she was feeling bad about how we last left things. I wouldn't have gone and had breakfast with her otherwise." Alex explains, "When I got there, we talked for a while, about things. Maggie told me how she was afraid that I was coming out because of her, and didn't want that responsibility on her shoulders. She then told me she lied when she said she didn't want to be with me, and said she was sorry for making me think otherwise. She then asked me out on a date with her."

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