Chapter 29

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As is to be expected, it has come down to the very final hole to decide who is going to be the winner out of Kara and Lena, and their 18 hole round of mini-golf. As they start this final hole, Kara is ahead by 1 stroke. However, that has not deterred Lena whatsoever. Lena certainly wants to win this, both because she doesn't like losing, and because she really wants to win their fun little bet, so she can decide what Kara wears on their next date.

"Ready to lose, Lena?" Kara asks, with a smirk, as Lena places her golf ball on the tee off area.

Lena simply turns and shoots Kara a bit of a scowl, not saying a single word, before focusing her mind, and taking a look at the mini-golf course in front of her. From it, Lena can see that there are 3 separate paths to go down, and lead her ball towards the hole. The two main paths, to the right and left, are wide paths which can allow you to bounce the ball off the sides at an angle, and hopefully try and zigzag your ball to the hole. However, the middle path is a very narrow path, which looks to basically only be a little bit wider than a golf ball, and is clearly the path you want to go down if you want to get a hole in one. But, to attempt the hole in one, there is a bit of high risk, for the high reward. This is because, due to how the paths are laid out, it is possible to try and go for the hole in one, but not be accurate enough, and for your ball to bounce back at you, and maybe not even go down the other two paths, meaning that you'd be down a stroke already. Then, on top of that, even after getting the ball in the hole in one path, if you hit it too hard, it looks like there is a lip, which will cause the ball to roll out on the other side of the course, far away from the course.

So, Lena really thinks about her options for a few moments. Lena thinks that she could hope to go down the side paths, and potentially get a stroke up on Kara. However, Lena also knows that even if she ends up a stroke better than Kara on this course, that will mean they are tied, and technically, Kara has actually won more holes than her, so Kara would technically be the winner. So really, for her to win this, Lena knows she needs to get the ball in the hole two strokes ahead of Kara, therefore her only option is the hole in one chance.

Lena composes herself, takes a deep breath, releases it, and then swings her putter, connecting with the golf ball. Once this happens, Lena doesn't dare to move, really hoping she has got the direction, and the power right. Lena watches as the ball moves towards the centre hole in one lane. For a few moments it looks like Lena might have hit the ball too hard, with it looking like the ball might just bounce off the lips of the entrance to the hole in one entrance. The ball does exactly this, however, it really just slightly bounces side to side, before going into the hole in one lane, having lost a decent amount of momentum now. Lena has got very lucky in this instance, as without losing this amount of momentum, her ball surely would have sailed out the other side of the hole in one lane, even if she got it in the path perfectly, without touching the side lips.

Kara and Lena now watch as Lena's ball makes its way through the hole in one path, and soon spits out on the green, by the hole, and goes into the hole a few seconds later. Lena's hole in one is a success.

"YES!" Lena says, happily, "I did it! Top that!"

Lena now has a big smirk on her face as she looks at Kara, who is honestly a bit stunned that Lena was able to pull off that hole in one, as it did require a decent amount of luck there. However, Kara's stunned look doesn't last long, as for some reason the cocky smirk that Lena has on her face really turns Kara on a bit. Lena just looks so beautiful and sure of herself like this, it really does it for Kara.

"Hmmm.... fine. Fine." Kara says, "But don't celebrate too soon. I still have two shots to tie things up with you."

"Good luck." Lena says, with a smirk, but clearly very much doesn't mean it.

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